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need help with these certain actions...

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first off I know when a guy/girl ends up avoiding you,the first thing you think is he/she isn't interested and why even try then. well are there always the chances where he/she is just afraid plus other reasons like going off to college like it is for some..where they end up avoiding you and talking is limited even though he/she really likes you?

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Well yeah... Its weird since avoiding someone either means you don't like them or you like thme so much, they are afraid to tell you because they are unsure of the way the other person will react or they might think that person has a bf/gf and don't want to make things worse than how they feel already. Going to college is probably another good reason for 'avoiding' people since they are either away, busy, or focused on studying and talking could be 'limited' because they could be using college as an excuse to avoid their problems. I suggest talking to this person, if the person in questio in is you, and talking to them and maybe asking why they are avoiding you (if you guys are/where close and are at least friends now). Maybe he/she really likes you too (if you like them, that is)! Even if thats not the case, at least you tried and you'll feel better and they might change their minds later, you have nothing to lose.

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