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Can I sell my life on e-bay??

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I do not want it anymore. I am so frusterated right now. My husband and I have nothing in common and I feel like he puts me down and feeds off of my insecurities. And then his son (from previous marriage) moves in with us and most of the time is a total punk (only to me) and does nothing to help around the house even though he is now an adult and does nothing but work or sleep.

I have a part-time job and a two year old am expected to have dinner on the table by like six and the house clean. I have no time to myself which kills me. And my husband is not interested in anything I have to say and even interrupts me. I have more, but I just needed to vent.

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Have you tried talking to your husband about all this?? I am sure that you probably have tried, Lord knows I have too, tried to talk to mine. I get the sense that he is older than you if he has a grown child. Was he domaneering with his first wife?? I can only advise you on what I would do and that is maybe to try a seperation if he does not even see that he is being a doink.

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Your life happiness is also important in a relationship. Express to you husband how you feel about how he treats you and tell him about how you feel about his son. If he doesn't want to hear it then tell him that you aren't happy in a relationship where there aren't any compromises and your feelings aren't being considered. If things don't change then maybe you should try a professional conselor. I don't want to be the person to say this but if you're not happy then maybe you need to find someone who makes you happy.


Hope I've helped.



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