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a question for some of the experts...........

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is it just me or when women are on their period and when they arent in pain at the time. are they easily turned on and show more affection???? well the question is are women on their period like to be more affectionate?????? (but without sex of course)

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i have had a few relationships in my life and women seem to differ a lot.


My previous GF wouldnt even have sex during her period, where my current ex enjoyed it greatly anytime of the month.


Some girls get cramps, bloating or are just plain embarrased to be intimate during that time.


My current ex at first was a little scared id be grossed out during her period but once i convinced her that it was very natural and that it didnt bother me at all, she became very comfortable with it, even to the point that I could perform orally on her with no worries. If done right you will never get the "red wings" (how many know what Iam talking about?).


all in alll, to answer your question, id say it depends on the girl

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As we all know the female body produces and egg with each cycle which can be furtilized with semon from the male's ejaculate.


When furtilization doesn't occur we have our period as a result, so that a new lining for the uterous can be produced.


I think that the hormones go up and down causing stress and anxiety, then during menstruation, we are calmer and more in touch with our feelings,


so the short answer is yes! I think that we are a lot nicer on those days!

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