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A Question For the Gurls ONLY

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Hey gurls....


As I guy i know i have been attracted to girls for many unusual reasons but i also heard quite a few things from girls about what they find attractive and what "turns them on". Please, i would like the girls to tell me if they find the following things in a guy attractive or a "turn on" or not at all:


1. Australian accent

-i have an australian accent and so many girls tell me they "dig it"..or it "turns them on"...is this true of all girls?? if so why have i never had a girlfriend yet???


2. The way a guy drives a car

-one girl told me she is turned on by the way a guy drives his car..the way he smoothly takes corners and the control he has over the car...this sounded really bizare to me....what do you girls think of it...??


3. Shoes

-several girls say the number one thing they find attractive in a guy is shoes...that if the rest of him is attractive but the shoes aren't he is rejected...is this true??


4. Men in uniform....


is it true girls admire men in uniform?????


5. Eye color....


I have been told that blue is better than any other eye color..is this true....????? is it racist..lol...


okay..i just want to know what girls here think......thanks for reading and responding to my post.....

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LOL! Wow, that's a very interesting list you have there! Obviously preferences vary from person to person. I admit that certain accents are attractive to me... And Australian would be one of them. But I think that partly stems from my desire to live in Australia someday, so...

And eyes are the first physical feature that I am attracted to. A guy with great eyes can at least get my attention. That's not to say that I'm shallow and only go for guys with nice eyes... Eyes are just my favorite feature. Anyway, enough babbling from me, eh?

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Well considering I am AUSTRALIAN, I can't really hear the accent so that one is kind of scubed out


2. The way a guy drives a car

Hmm well I guess for me I like it when a guy drives a manual car... something to do with the Stick


3. Shoes

Shoes i have to admitt are important... if they are just kind of dirty things that he doesn't really care about... I alwayz think they don't have attention to detail OR he doesn't notice the entire picture.


4. Men in uniform....

Men in uniform are gorgeous but don't go becoming a firman or something just to get a girlfriend... what happens after you take the uniform off... Men in uniform have the perve factor, that's it...


5. Eye color....

I don't mind eye colour, because a guy can have amazing blue eyes... but others can have REALLY deep brown eyes... either way it is good


For me I can't go past a good smile... (refer to my quote) It just makes you seem as though you are a happy person


And maybe a little bit higher than a good smile is CONFIDENCE... if you don't have confidence it is very unlikely a girl will like you... girls seem to go for the confident guys... don't know why... there is just this unseen sex appeal... so keep that in mind


Have fun

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I admit that I really do like accents. Don't know what it is about them, but they are a turn on.

I could care less about the way he drives a car, although if he's a complete idiot at the wheel, that could be a turn-off.

Shoes? Who cares.

Men in uniform. Yeah, I can see that...

Eyes. Eyes & lips are first things I notice in a guy but they don;t necessarily have to be blue. I actually like green more because they're not as common.


The most important turn on is personality, but it still take the whole package to keep my attention. Hope this helped you out a little

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1. Australian accent

I'm Australian, so... in my opinion, we dont have accents! LoL


2. The way a guy drives a car

Er... well, maybe it was helped by the fact he had a nice car? XD I wouldn't really know though, as i've never had a boyfriend that drove a car... heheh.


3. Shoes

I... am not a shoe person. I never notice shoes. I only really notice shoes if the guy is so dressed up that his old daggy sneakers stick out like a sore thumb, really.


4. Men in uniform....



5. Eye color....

I actually prefer guys with dark eyes! Something about blue eyes.. I dont know, unless they're a really dark blue, I.. I dont know how to say it, LoL. I just know that I prefer guys with dark eyes. There's this guy I know who has the most beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes... -melts- .. but anyway, back to the subject


My bestie has a thing for blue-eyed guys but she has blue eyes herself, though I like brown-eyed guys... and I have dark brown eyes. Maybe that has something to do with it? Hmm.

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Hmmm.... I guess some of those are true, especially the accent one- all girls have a thing with accents. But I think what attracts me the most are the following;


1) A guy with a servant heart (who will go to any length to bless me or do something nice for me.)

2) A guy who can really talk about how he feels (who trusts me enough he isn't scared to let it all out if he needs to)

3) A guy who when I am walking beside him I know he's thinking, "She's with ME!"

4) A guy who before he does something that he isn't sure will be beneficial to the relationship he stops and considers me before he makes a decision

5) A guy who truly cherishes me and a guy who I feel comfortable giving my heart to

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