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Sex has come almost to a halt. Why?

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My and my GF love each other truly. Like once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. Our relationship is amazing. We were best friends before we went out and that has led to an excelent relationship.

The problem I'm feeling is though, that the sex or almost any sexual activity, even touching has slowed down dramatically. We were overly active at first and we both wanted to slow down a little. It took for me to go away for 9 days for that to happen though.

Since then she has been almost rejecting to almost any move a make. I rub her breasts, she pulls my hand away. Same with her butt and clit. And this is all outside the clothes.

I am worried that this decrease in sex or etc. may be hididng another problem. Or has she just lost interest in sex? Any help would be extremely helpful.

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Its normal for sex to kindda go that way after a while for different reasons it sometimes feels rutine you could try something different a little romace wouldnt hurt good forplay for me begins outside of the bedroom from saying sweet nothings to each other thoughtfull things usually help like the more my man does around the house the less overwhelmed I am but talking to her would be a good idea and make sure you rule out medical problems if all else fails some strawberrys, chocolate, whipped cream and a scarf to blind fold her should do the trick and try not to aim dirrectly to do breast or genitals just linger around and the anxiety will build up pay attention to other neglected parts of her body. Good luck and hope I helped!

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I too also experienced this problem with my no ex-girlfriend (we broke up 2 weeks ago). She always had an excuse, mainly that she was tired, but it was more to it than that. Women are so different from men, sex is emotional for them, unlike males where its mainly physcial. You need to change things up a little in your relationship. Take her away, go on picnics, out for dinner to nice places, just go to the pub together!


You need to ensure that things don't become boring or stagnant, and this is very important, or else you could end up like me, heart broken because i didn't act quick enough. So start thinking of nice things you can do with her, as someone else said, strawberries and choloate body paint, exciting, unusual surprises help to add mystery to your relationship and keep the passion burning.


There is one other thing, some women cannot experience or orgasm or even really enjoy sex, maybe you need to try some different forms of foreplay, or something that feels nice for her.


I don't want anyone else to experience what i am still going through, so listen carefully.


Don't be lazy, don't put it off, don't come up with excuses and don't take her for granted, start to bring back the passion in your life that you guys used to share, make things more mysterious or more fun, if you can do this, you're heading in the right direction for a better sex life and a more loving relationship.



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