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Ok just for starters I'm 15 and my girlfriend is 16. My girlfriend and I have been going out for about 2 months, and the first time we kissed was a week ago. It was my first ever kiss and I was so nervous to do it so I waited that long. And I had all the perfect chances to do it too. So, we talked about it and I told her how nervous i was and how I wanted to but just couldn't. And she was like it's ok, I want to kiss you really bad but I don't want to pressure you, I could make the first move if you wanted. And I said no, lol, even though I really wanted her to. Ok so then we went to see a movie and this was the last time we thought we'd see each other before she left for camp. So both us knew we had to kiss then. And yea, the movie went through all the way and I had some chances but I still couldn't do it! So then by the time I knew it, it was over and I was like oh shoot, I lost my chance, wtf am I thinking? Then the credits started and we both just sat there. And we like glancing at each other and then turning away, it was pretty funny now that I look back on it lol. Then we just both started cracking up because neither of us would do it. And she kept saying like "ok.....now!" and we wouldn't move. But then we finally did and I don't know, I guess it went well, it was my first kiss so I can't really know. But like we kissed normally for I'd say 30 seconds even though it seemed like forever. And then she touched my tongue with her's, I guess as an invitation to french kiss, am I right? Well yea, so then I didn't really do anything because I wasn't expecting it. And I guess I may have ended it, because 10 seconds later it was over and I think I helped end it because we were 10 minutes late to our parents and the credits were over so a movie guy would walk in any second (he did right after we were done actually, phew). But, I'm still nervous about it! and when she gets back I don't think I'll be able to do it! She said I did fine but I still feel I'm still worried I did bad and screwed up a special moment. Based on her offering to french kiss, does that mean the kiss went well? And how do I tell her why I may have ended it early so she doesn't think it was because I didn't like it??? And how long is a french kiss supposed to last?


P.S. I went to her house 2 days later (the last day before she left) and spent the whole day with her and we had tons of chances to kiss (the couch, her bed, etc) but we didn't. I felt like she was afraid to! And I didn't want to do it because I didn't know how she felt about the earlier kiss... so please help me... she gets back soon and I want to be able to resolve this... thank you! and sorry if it was long

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Listen, women like men with confidence. It may have been your first, but you have seen it done thousands of times I'm sure. To get over the weird feeling, you have to just dive right in again. One kiss could completely end all the weird feelings, isnt that nice. Be careful not to overdue it. No more asking if things were ok, if they werent, I'm sure she would tell you. If there was something you liked, tell her. You'll probably get an immediate response about the things she liked as well. Dont be over-anxious, keep things in control. It never hurts to talk to a parent about this, they will probably have some more info for you.

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How much do you know about this girl? I mean, do you know if she has kissed a lot of guys? Because if she hasn't, then that would explain why she seemed just as nervous as you. Don't sweat it either. I'm kind of in the same situation right now, just on the other end. I'm almost 16 and my boyfriend is 17. I'm his first girlfriend, and his first kiss. He was so nervous. But he came out and told me that he didn't know how to kiss, now we work on it. Nothing to be scared of, it's actually pretty fun. After you and you're girlfriend start doing it more it becomes a natural thing and then you'll look back on your movie date kiss and laugh about it. You can't be afraid to take risks and go in head first. Make a move, don't miss out on all your chances!

Oh, and the kiss can last as long as you want it to, it could turn out into a make-out session! There is no specified time in a rule book, so don't worry about that either!

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Usually a girl that his kissed more guys then her current boyfriend would just take control of the situation, so i'm not really sure what is going on with her. She sounds shy though. Obviously you both know that you want to, so just do it!

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