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ex looking great after breakup...confused!!!

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i saw my ex not too long ago and the way he looked and behaved confused me even more. we broke up a couple of months ago, and haven't seen each other a lot since that time. every time i see him, he looks like he's doing fine. could you please tell me what this could mean? do you have any experience with this behavior? could it mean that he has truly moved on, or that he wants me to notice what i let go, what i set free when we decided to break up? please post if you can help me figure this out at all! i guess i want to know since i am kind of doing the same thing every time i see him, so i don't wnat both of us to go on pretending. the last time i saw him, he kept on having awesome conversations with may people, was enjoying the dancing at the birthday party, looked very hot, and seemed to be content. he even tried talking to me like it was no big deal. we ende up chatting for a few min. i think that maybe he got the same impression from me, cuz i was laughing, i think i looked pretty hot also , and i didn't mention our breakup at all. the truth is that i regret our decision a lot, and have a glimpse of hope that he does too, so i want to know where this is leading.


if you can, please post any suggestions!


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Sounds to me like he is doing all the right things. After a break up people always say it's best to improve yourself then get out there and have a good time. Now the Ex isn't looking so bad. Was it your decision to break up or his? If it was yours, I can tell you are regretting your decision. Why is that? ....... Don't worry. I'll answer for you. You regret it because you now see the guy that you first fell in love with. You now see the guy that you've wanted all along. Now that you see that he's back to that fun fellow he once was....... YOU WANT HIM BACK AGAIN!


Let this be a lesson to all the people who get dumped. Get Back to being the person you were when the Ex Loved you. Then it's only a matter of time before they will want you back again!





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It sounds like he's doing a lot better now that you two are apart. I'm not sure who broke up with who but it sounds like he's moved on. But that does not mean that you shouldn't talk to him, but you should also realize that he may be better off and you may be better off just being friends if it jepardizes either one of you being yourselves.

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I don't think it neccessarily means he moved on. It could all be an act. The guy knows how to use the best technique there is to make someone regret breaking up with you. That technique is TO ACT like it doesn't bother you. To act like everything is fine. Like he doesn't need you. If he is using this technique then I would say it's working for him.


On the outside all appears well. On the inside he may be crumbling. The only way you will know for sure is to talk with him about it.





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thank you both for the advice!



Our breakup was mutual, basically due to the fact that both of us weren't feelibg enough for each other to continue to do the long distance thing. I decided that I should be strong and just realize that he might be feeling less for me and that I don't want to be stuck in a relationship with no commitment. We talked about breaking up for a couple of hrs, and ended the conv. on a good, but sad note. I think the main thing is, he couldn't see us doing the long distance thing and I didn't want to pressure or be stuck in something in between. I do regret givin up that easy and I hate the thought that this could possibly ruin our friendship.


You are very right! I do want him back! And seeing him like this makes me want it more.


I think that I'm also acting like that, and I think he's getting the same impression. Is this an endless cycle for us now?



little242 :


Thanks. We're just friends now, but it's easier said than done. I wish I could just be friends, but it seems like we're both playing a game I think it's the fact that feelings are still attached.


Thanks again!

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