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Wow the change in you!

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I personally like myself for who I am so I wouldn't have any form of surgery. The only case I would see it as being acceptable was if I had some deformed body part or something. As far as someone close, it would depend on the reasoning behind it. Yeah I would care but I think I could get over it. And like I said, it all depends on the reasons/what type. Looks aren't everything in a relationship. As long as you get along great with a person because of WHO THEY ARE, then it isn't a problem. If a girl had surgery like that to attract me though I would question her for doing it and it would deter me from getting into anything serious.



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i would personally not take such a risk to change my appearance. as aireyc said, if there is a real medical problem or something that really does get in the way of everyday life then that's something to CONSIDER. but i feel that these type of drastic surgeries are too much, not necessary, to look in the mirror and see someone i dont even recognize is beyond scary to me.


i think these desperate attempts to fix self confidence are not the way to go. i mean on extreme makeover, they have counsilling and health changes, so its still a little differnt, still too much but these cases are usually severe and are helpful. but going into an operating room i dont think will magically make you more confident. and loving yourself first is most important.

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