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Too early to give her a ring?

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I have been dating my girlfriend for a little over 4 months now. I've known her though for over a year before we started dating. She liked me when we first met but was too scared to get into a relationship. I liked her as well and it really hurt that she couldn't be in a relationship. So, next school year, half way into it, she shows signs that she wants to be with me and now we're together.


No one knows if their relationship will ultimately lead to marriage, and I am no exception. People change and sometimes you don't know who someone really is. That being said, the relationship between my girlfriend and me is serious. I bought a nice ring and was planning on giving it to her for our 6 month anniversary (our first celebrating anniversary). Its a very nice ring. I know that she'll love it.


The problem lies in the timing. Is a ring too early for a 6 month anniversary? It's not a window shopping ring. It's got 3 nice purple sapphires, separated by 4 tiny but high grade diamonds. The stones are in a 14k gold ring. Thank God for ebay I would have spent over a 1000 I bought it at a jewler.


Also, if I do give it to her on our 6 month anniversary, am I expected to top that on our 1 year anniversary? I recently bought a car and the payments will limit my spendible income. Topping this may be quite expencive.


Any thoughts? Thank you very very much.

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It all depends on what you want to do. I've been dating my bf for 8 months and he said that he's giving me sometime very special on our 1 year anniversary. I found out that he is giving me a ring, and I'm thrilled. But I still have to wait 4 months, and thats the hard part!


6 months might be a little early, but only You and Your Girl know where this relationship is going. If you feel its the right time, then go for it.


I have to disagree with you on the marriage part. I just believe that when you know you've found that special someone, you just know. Deep down in ur heart u know u'll be with them for the rest of your life. Thats how I am with my current bf. Its just like we're married and I love it.

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Here's what I think... No one knows what is or is not too much for your relationship except you. And I have always believed that you should follow your instincts. In other words, if you really believe in your heart that it's okay to give her this ring, then go for it!

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I trust this isn't like a wedding ring eh? No questions will be asked right? Coz that would be... I guess kinds crazy in my opinion


Yeah gifts are good, try not to go overboard though coz she'll think you are obsessed and stuff... $1000 ring? to me... Thats what I'd get my girlfriend after 3 years and were both at least 18.


Anyhow, there is no serious harm in giving a ring this early Except the whole wallet shrinkage thing

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