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I need help plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!

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okay here's the story.... me and my girlfriend has been together for almost 5 months..i kno to some people it isn't along time. but i think she mght really be the one. so here is my question..

the first few months were really great and we talk all the time. we done planned on our future together and all. but i have been getting jeoulous sometimes and its messing us up. and we got back together after a big fight. but now i'm doing the same thing by gettin mad at her for dumb things. but i need help on how to win her heart back, she says she still loves me but she's falling out of love with me i done told her everything thing that was on my heart the other argument but now what do i do, i want her to know i mean what i say cuz i told her before and i didn't go by what i said all the way. and i need to also know how to get her to believe me., and i wanna kno how to make her fall back inlove with me.... i know that wasn't a good questions but i have alot of things on my mind and i dont know how to put into words right now. feel free to ask questions. plz help.

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First of all you cant TELL a person or convince her you will not be jealous unless you DO IT. You cant promise to not be jealous unless you have been able to change the way you think and reactt. If you think the same way as you always have, sooner or later you will act the same as you always have. She will ONLY see your sincere and have changed when you HAVE changed and are not being jealous. Thats about it.

Meanwhile, what is it that goes through your mind when you get in one of those jealous moods?? Does this girl do anything at all to make you feel you might lose her or she is interested in someone else or anything??? Sounds like its just you getting jealous for no reason...is that the case?

Its not easy to live with someone or love them for long when they are always questioning you or accusing you or thinking the worst of you, when your doing nothing to deserve it. You could have a serious insecurity problem , be one of those people that always sees the glass half empty rather than half full, or the kind that cant enjoy anything good in their life cause they are so focused on what bad will probably happen to ruin it. You might need to go for some help to sort things out so you can get to the root of why your reacting like this. Once you see things differently you will be able to ACT differently. Work on what to do about YOUR problem, now and you wont have to worry about how to convince someone you have changed. It will show.

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Hi DJ,


I'll be direct, okay?


Being possessive or jealous is a relationship killer. It's a big turn off for anyone who is the victim of it.


When you partner with someone, you partner for their success under the label of trust. Tring to control someone else's life will only make them run away.


Your gf like anyone else wants space and freedom.


Right now, you say you did change but she won't believe a word of it. Why? Because there is no proof. Until you show her that you can truly react in a different way, I believe, she'll simply stay away.


Not just her by the way. Women do not enjoy being with a possessive or controlling man. It forces them to be on the defensive all the time.


My advice is simple: Find a real and solid way to stand in a relationship within having to "call" your jealousy.


Trust, mutual respect, freedom and openess are by far much better alternatives.


Good luck and stay in touch



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