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girlfirend 3 days late on her period

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hey me and my girl got back together like 3 weeks ago... started havin sex again last week ... she went back on the pill 1 week ago too... it was her first time in along time too..... could this be any reason why she is late.. we have had sex quite a few times with condoms this week ... shes 3 days late... plz any info woulld help... thanx

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If you have been using condoms correctly, and she's on the pill, chances are she is late just due to being on the pill. This is common.




when you start on the pill, it takes at least 7 days until you are protected (depending on what pill). If she started the pill the same week you started having sex again, then she most likely wasn't protected from pregnancy.


You said u used condoms so I believe she is late just due to the fact that she went back on the pill. It puts hormones in your body and messes up your cycle. I would take a pregnancy test ASAP though, just to know for sure!!

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u shouldnt have anything to worry about, the pill could just be messing with it, and also, most women's periods arent exactly 28 days apart, so the fact that she is three days late, doesnt mean that she is automatically pregnat. if she totally misses this month, then maybe she should go to the doctor or take a pregnacy test just to make you guys feel better.

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I wouldn't worry about it at all. The pill could cause her period to be delayed for up to several weeks from what I remember. If you were also using condoms all the time there would be no real reason to worry.


I used to have sex with my ex-girlfriend a lot and we would worry about her getting pregnant so we bought the morning after pill. The morning after pill is very similar to birth control pills, however it is in a much stronger dosage. This delayed her period for about a week and a half.


I would take a pregnancy test if you continue to worry about this, but like I said earlier, there really isn't too much cause to worry.


Good luck!

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just to clarify, i believe it takes one month for the pill to actually start kicking in. although her starting to take the pill could be the reason she's late. so ya if you're using condoms correctly then it could be anything. from stress to dietary problems to the pill.

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