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ok i am 14 yrs old and i go to this church and there is this guy named shaw and he is 18. and were constantly flirting and he is constantly saying if u were only 2 years older. well the whole church was @ this promtional festival in the parking lot of the church for VBS (vacation bible skool). well i was helpin him decorate for VBS and he pulled me into a back room. and we started huggin and we got real close and we kissed and he was comin on to me big time and we kissed sum more and he wanted to make out and i was holdin back b/cu kno he is 18 and he is like ur scared arn't u and i was like no, and he was all grabbin my hand and flirtin and i was goin along with it. is this bad in neway let me kno b/c im stuck in the middle of a rock and a hard place



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I am 18 and truthfully never had a girlfriend. However there was this girl who was a freshman and had I wanted I could have dated her. Now I flirted with her a lot as did I with other freshman, but I would never do much more because of the age difference.

I know how 18 year old guys are and I am just telling you to be careful. Think about what is going on and what will happen (your parents). He was having thoughts originally about how you were too young and even though he might have feelings it is wrong. He obviously let his feelings get a hold of him.

Now it probably can work out if you try to have a relationship but I would beware. Depending on what type of guy he is you never know what he could want. However if he is a good guy then it could work it really well. It is a hard situation that basically you have to make a decision yourself.

My opinion is that at the ages you two are at now it shouldnt really happen. A little later down the road maybe but right now you are just too young. It could easily work out but if i was 18 I wouldnt date a 14 year old. Just my opinion take it anyway you want it.

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