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Should I take her back?

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This girl and I have been dating for about 11 months and I love her very much, and I know she loves me. But just recently I found out that she kissed another guy while she was out of town. I have given her my heart as well as my faithfulness in the relationship and I feel that she broke my heart by cheating on me and then she said kissing that guy made me realize how much I really love you. I asked her that right before she kissed him if she thought to herself Im doing this for Ryan(me).

I still love her with all my heart and I know that she still loves me. I broke up with her tonight and she lost it she went histarical she couldn't breathe and that tells me she loves me but I just can't deal with the fact she kissed another guy but I still love her and I feel if we get back together that issue will be a big problem please help.


Thanks a lot, Ryan

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i think u may have simply overreacted. it happens to all of us. if you love her. give her the benefit of the doubt. talk to her more about why she kissed the other guy. breaking up with her was a little too quick. talk and find out why before its too late to get your love back.

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It will be a big problem. Basically she lost all the trust you once had for her. Relationships need trust. Next time she goes out of town, how can you trust that she won't do something like that to you again?


She should have been thinking about how much it would hurt you before she went & kissed that guy. She wasn't thinking about your feelings, she was thinking about how she was feeling at that moment.


I think a good way to tell how sorry the person really is, is by how you found out. Did she tell you? If she did, then that means that she realized she made a mistake & just wanted to be honest with you & really is sorry. If you found out from someone else, that means that she didn't think you would find out & wasn't planning on being honest with you.


You need to really think about your feelings. I'm really against giving cheaters another chance, just because they shouldn't need chances, if they really love you, they won't make mistakes like kissing another person because they will always think about your feelings too. However, sometimes I think it can be worth a try to give them another chance. If this was a one time thing & she's never made you jealous, or suspicious that there was someone else, then I think it will remain a one time thing, but if you have always had a hard time trusting her, then its probably best that you break things off with her.


If you love her & she loves you, maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive her. It will be hard though. You need to make it clear to her that she broke your heart & its hard for you to trust her now & she's going to have to earn your trust back. Make her suffer the consequences so that she learns more from her mistake & realizes how serious what she did was & what it did to relationship.

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I think you need to harden your heart a little no matter what, but realistically, she may be a cheater and she may not be longterm, but you are likely not going to be with her over the long haul. If you still want to hang with her because when you take the pulse of your emotions, you still have a good time, then fine, let her know that your trust is gone for the moment but that you're still into being a couple.


That said, keep it in perspective: you don't wan the kind of girl for whom being in "love" means making out with another man.

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She should've thought about the relationship before kissing the other guy. She knows she made a mistake, but you can't just go back into the relationship easily otherwise she can take advantage of you. Something like that will never be forgotten and it will always be in your mind. It will be in your mind everytime she goes on vacation. The question is, will you let it? It is really up to you if you want to take her back or not, but if you ask me for previous experience, the relationship is not going to go far just because of that. If she really love you like she said she do, she wouldn't kiss anyone else but you. Think about it.

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