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ok, i started cutting like 6 months ago then i stoped because my friends and family found out. i got "better" and was no longer depressed so there was no need to cut myself anymore. but lately i've been getting really really depressed and i started cutting myself again and i keep getting more and more depressed. i don't know what i'm supposed to do, i've been depressed for like 3 years now on and off (mostly on) and i don't know how i'm suppposed to get out of it. i need help so if u have any advice it would be appreciated, thanks.



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I do the same thing. Get depressed and cut. Feel better and stop for a while, then get depressed and start agian.


I have found that depression meds do help. I don't know if you are on any, but if you are, it might not be the right one for you. I tried about 100 different meds before I found one that worked for me.


It is hard when your family finds out. My family found out when I was 15 that I was cutting. It landed me in a mental hospital. Thought I was suicidal. No one seems to understand that cutting doesn't mean you are suicidal. It just means you want to feel better. I stopped for a long time. Years in fact. Then went through a hard time and another wave of depression.


It is hard to stop, I know. It is addictive. But one thing that did help a bit is wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when ever you feel like cutting. Just keep doing it. It hurts a little and can sometimes get you over the need to.


Throw away all your cutting things. Don't store them away "in case you need them". Throw them out. It discourages cutting a bit when you have to go find new things.


Figure out if there is anything making you depressed or feeling like cutting. It helps if you can identify exactly why you cut. The first step to stopping is to know what causes the need to cut.


Talk to someone. You would be amazed how many people self injure and understand where you are coming from. If you don't have any friends you can talk to you can add me on MSNM or yahoo if you have it. It helps just to have someone to talk to that doesn't judge, think you are crazy and has been there. I

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Anytime you need to talk pm me,It is not good to cut yourself because really it does nothing for you and it def does not take away the pain and you said it yourself you may get better but it always comes back so that tells you right there it does not help you,Mabe if you go to the doctors you can get some depression pills to help you out a bit,Being depressed is no fun and staying that way is not healthy and I know this myself,I cant say I have ever cut myself but can say alot of ppl go through this and you are not alone,If you cannot talk to friends and fam when this is happening come on here everytime you feel your going to post let things out find another way other then harming yourself to feel better talk to ppl in pm go out take a walk do things to make you happy,I am pretty sure you dont like doing this so now is the time to stop and be happy and do things to make you happy once again anytime you need to talk pm me and I will help you the best I can stay strong and you are not alone!

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ive been on the other end as you. ive never cut myself but one of my closest friends was doin it and i found out. ill tell u wat i told her. cutting yourself not only hurts you but it hurts those close to you, it hurts your friends and family. u need to find out the reason for your depression, and try to solve it. but the MOST important thing, is to talk to someone you trust. everytime you feel like cutting, call someone. talk. its like a patch. its like nicorette gum but seriously. just talk. it helps soo much...

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