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Semi is coming up, but I worry.


I don't know how to dance with boys! At all dances I dance in the general circles that people tend to form, and when I see girls dancing with boys during fast songs, they basically just rub up on each other and feel each other up. I don't feel comfortable with that at all, being a prude and having never really 'dated' before, so what is supposed to happen?

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Don't do what you're not comfortable with. The only dancing I would even want to do is with a girl I love to a slow song when we're the only ones in the room. All that fast dancing (aka groping) is not my thing either. Nothing wrong with that.


I don't feel like this is good advice. If we refrained from doing things we were not comfortable with, then we're basically living in a boring safezone and not experiencing things.


Step outside of your comfort zone and try to dance the way others are dancing. I mean, if you want something, you gotta go out and get it.


Here's my advice to you: it's damn near impossible to suck at dancing. All you gotta do is move. That's it. There's no amazing art to it unless you're competitive. At a club or at a semi, it's basically just about moving around to the beat.

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Everyone nowadays grind dances and such. It just feels awkward to me especially when I'm basically dry humping with a stranger lol. I have seen the classiest and nicest girls dance like * * * * * * . It makes me think that society compartmentalizes activities and doesn't relate them to other things such as using these activities as a tool to judge a person's integrity or character. It's like we can dance like sexually deprived hooligans and then go back to our professional jobs and well-established family lives.


I don't have much advice really. I do know that everyone going will be dancing like that, so your date probably expects to do the same. It's really your choice what you do.

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Everyone nowadays grind dances and such. It just feels awkward to me especially when I'm basically dry humping with a stranger lol. I have seen the classiest and nicest girls dance like * * * * * * . It makes me think that society compartmentalizes activities and doesn't relate them to other things such as using these activities as a tool to judge a person's integrity or character. It's like we can dance like sexually deprived hooligans and then go back to our professional jobs and well-established family lives.


Dang man. Don't be a hater. It's hard to imagine anyone ballroom dancing to contemporary hip hop or busting out a pirouette on some R&B music. People just want to have fun-- and "judging" an individual's integrity and character is also a bit pretentious in any context. Just let people do their thang, and be happy folks are having fun. So what if it's sexual. Most folks wanna have sex at some point in their lives, anyway.


My advice remains the same: try to dance. If you don't like it, nobody is gonna force you to keep on dancing. Just step out of your safezone. This is the "Dating and Shy People" forum, so I figure most folks are just trying to come out of their shell.

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I don't think it's out of the question to judge somebody's character by the sexual dancing. I don't think it's right to dance like that with people you don't know, and I wouldn't want anything to do with a girl who is ready and willing to dance sexually with a stranger.


As far as the comfort zone thing, if I'm not comfortable with dancing, I'm not going to do it. End of story. It's one thing if you want to be comfortable with something, then you have to work on it, but if it's something you have no desire for, why do something you're not comfortable with?

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