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What does she think?

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Okay, Im 17 and i guess i should explain this topic.


i was at my friends house for a sleep over , There were four people there including me, my best friend whos a girl, her boy friend who i am also friends with and another girl who i just met that evening ( shes a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10). Well we were going to go out the next morning and i needed to change clothes first( i can never wear the same clothes two days at a time), Well i was changing into my other clothes when the new girl walks in and i was completely naked, he stoof for a good 4 seconds befor she shut the door so im sure she got a good look......


Now im not ashamed of my body, im quite happy with it, i was wondering what she thought of my penis . it is 6 inch when not erect and 9 when it is.

She saw me erect because that was what happened when i saw her there in the door way looking.


i mean what would a girl do? go tell all her firends or just tell a couple of people? I am really only curious about what she will do with that information.....anyone know?

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well it depends on what kinda girl she is, she may have been completely embarrased by the whole situation and may feel uncomfortable to tell anyone, but on the other hand she may be fine with it and tell someone or just respect your privacy. as i say, it all depends on what she's like, i mean, shy, confident that kinda thing.


~LJ =;

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