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Stupid Question???

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Last week I was Up North with my family and we met one of my dad's old college friends and his family. We hadn't seen them since we saw them up there last year. His friend has 3 kids: 2 sons and a daughter. I remembered them from last year and I remembered how beautiful his daughter was. This year we spent a little more time with them doing things like playing cards while the adults sit and talk, ride jet skiis, etc. and I got to know Mr. Vroom's daughter, Shannon, better (along with his other kids) and after talking to her online a bit too I'm beginning to like her. She is one of the most beautiful girls I know, she's nice, funny, all of that. But as my luck with girls has it (if you don't know my luck with girls sucks, lol), she's a few years older than me. Now here's the stupid question...Is she too old for me to be anything but friends?


It seems like a stupid question but I really dont know what to do and would appreciate some advice.



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I think that its really not that big of a deal. But 16 and 19 is kinda a big difference especially at your age. Im 19 and I dont think i would be going to look for a16 year old even if he was a cool guy. Also girls are known to be more mature than boys so its more common for girls to look for older guys. But you never know.


Good LUck

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Basically I m with Jamie. But why not give it a try? I mean, try to see her sometimes, even if you just become friends, that will do no harm. (Never heard that knowing older girls does).

But keep in mind that you don't have to put yourself under pressure. Few boys will get girls who are three years older at that age. And in your case it's easy to imagine half of the college also going for her.

Can you figure out if she somehow

likes you at all?

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no....i just want you to know....my sister was 16 and her boyfriend was 19.....i dunno if its any different around it might be.......but keep courage man......Your not young and immature....if u were like 14 or 15 then no... but sixteen is like the age starter for it...so you got yourself a good chance .... Good luck man! 8)

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Thanks again for the advice.


Falloutboy, I can't really figure out if she likes me or not because even though I've known her since we met last year I've only gotten to know her and become friends with her in the past few weeks. I'm obviously going to take it slow and just become great friends first and then see if we can become more than friends.

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I think there is a difference when the guy is 3 years older because usually their maturity levels are around the same. Personally, at 19 I wouldn't be going out with a 16 year old guy, just because you're at different points in your life and it would probably be difficult to make the relationship work. I say wait until you're older before making a move and stay friends with her for now, however if she's giving you a strong impression that she wants to be more than that, than go for it.

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Tough ages...19yr old guy to a 16 yr old girl, sure that works out a lot...

But a 16yr old gu to 19yr old girl, most likely won't happen...


She's in college and she's got all this stuff going on, no offense, but you'd have to be the coolest guy around for her to even consider trying it...


She may like you and you might even get a fling or two out of it...but dating most likely won't happen...With that said...

Once you get to college that age thing flies out the window a bit...


When I was 19 I dated a 21 yr old...when I was 20, I dated a 24 yr old...

So who knows...build a decent friendship with a lot of flirting and sexually tension and by the time you get to college or right before you could be in for much more than friendship


Good Luck!

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