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Her... Him... what about me?

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Umm... There is this girl "Mary" I meet her in the 4th grade, and now we are going into the 11th grade. "Mary" and I don't get to talk much, but just a few days ago my friend and I stopped at "Mary's" house and started talking then she had her boyfriend come out. They have been dating for 11 months. Both my friend and I like "Mary". I have asked her out and at the time she had a boyfriend, and she said no, also another reason she might of said no is because I was on the other side of town and couldn't be there in person so I asked her over the phone. Her and her boyfriend seem to be very happy together, but i'm not when they are together. She just meet him this year (I think), and they are going out and I have known "Mary" for years, and still havn't had a date with her. "Mary's" boyfriend seems like a nice person, but inside I HATE HIM!!. I just keep wishing that every day "Mary" and her boyfriend will break up, I know they are far into a relationship... they have... done it But my friend (he also likes "Mary") he said as long as she is happy. I think that this guy is cool and all I just don't like the fact that he is going out with "Mary".



Well now that you know a little about what is going on, here is what I need help with.

I going to ask "Mary" if she would like to come over and play pool, she said she has gotten good at it. So how can I get her to leave her boyfriend at home, you know stay fido.


And does anyone think that there is any chance that they might break up, so that I might have my chance.


I wrote this with eyes full of tears.


Well thank you.



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I can understand you are hurt about this. But if you really do care for "Mary" you should be happy that she is happy even though she isnt with you, its hard believe me i know but if she would ever found out that you basiclly broke her bf and her up so she will go out with you she isnt going to be very happy you can see hang out and all but let faith do the work...


Mainly let her get to know you better but dont try anything. Bc like you said they are happy and deep into this...if they break u thing she is going to go right to you??? no she isnt she is goin to be heart broken

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