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for a good kiss...


don't peck her...

first kiss her bottom lip, then her upper lip, and then from there just try combinations...


When you start to kiss her lean to the right first...and lean slowly, then she will get the messege. after you kiss her you might want to lean in diffrent dirrections.


don't concentrate on anything else but the kiss....


I can't really describe how to kiss her, its kinda hard to put it in words...


If you want to leave an impression, at the end of you kiss, nibble once on her lip (maily her bottom lip), like if where bitting on it, and at the same time suck on it, its sorta like a hickey, but its much faster...


It will take time to learn these, so practice practice practice (with her )

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Just kiss her! just kiss her on the lips and hold but dont slip the tongue in and then pull away slowly, and if she stays there go in the for the kill. man, think about how much of an idiot you woulda looked like infront of her when you didnt kiss her. girls see it as a weakness, they want someone with confidence, who can take control of the situation. be that type of person.

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remember to close your eyes. It werid looking at someone when your eyses are only a few inches appart. Altho if your looking and see her, that means she is too.


Just lean in slow, so that she has a chance to move away if she doesnt want to kiss. For the frist time, dont put your hands on her head, you dont want to make her feel trapped at all.


Keep your mouth oppened slightly, bend your head to the right, and place your lips over hers. Once youve made contact open your lips a bit, and then slowly close them. For the first kiss, give it about three or four seconds then break the kiss off, with a slight (very slight) sucking motion.


Back off a little bit, open your eyes, and if she looks happy do the exact same thing again. and again.

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don't use your toung at first, unless she engages....


for french kissing....

Don't play around, don't chase each other toung, that for later


first, use your toung to explor, fell all over her mouth, and just like in a piano...move your toung over her teeth.


And for god sakes, Don't chock her! don't stick your toung all the way down.




You will be fine, just go for it, if your in a somewhat private place kiss her for about 5 monites, with 20-30 seconds each...I don't like kissing in front of familly memebers, all they do is stare!


Good luck with you kssing, knock her out of her feet! (Not literaly)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, I had the exact same problem (and still do). My girlfriend is my first one and I went to the park with her and wanted to kiss her and there was a silence and we stared into each other's eyes but I couldn't physically do it! i just froze! then ti happened again at the movie theater but then she just did it lol. Are you and your girlfriend really open about that stuff? Because if you are I think it would help if you talked about it with her. And I hate how people say "just do it!" its not that easy for some of us and I completely understand where you are coming from. Maybe if you talk about it with your girlfriend she will decide to just make the first move for you...

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