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Hello all;


I have been kinda of seeing this guy for about 3 months. And at first we had sex with a condom all the time. Then we started having sex for a bit without a condom and then he would put one on later when he was going to come....


Well he said that he had nothing, no stds or anything. Well last night on the phone it came out that he had genital wartsZ(gw) quite awhile back and crabs at one point. Well he I think believe the gw is gone and I did some research this morning and it never goes away. You will still have the virus in you.


Well (obviously) now Im flippin out thinking what if he has given me the virus and its dormant in me now. I really need some advice. Ive never had anything before and I dont want to get anything.


My friend said if I sleep with him again to use condoms always....but still I could already have it now.


I really like this guy but now Im afraid to sleep with him or anything. Im almost wondering if he told me to scare me away? Or maybe he was trying to be honest and tell me the truth.


Any advice would be a great help!

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I would suggest going to your doctor & getting tested right away. Thats the only for sure way you will find out.


This guy should have told you at the beginning. He's stupid for telling you later on, & thinking that he doesn't have anything because he hasn't had symptoms.


Go get tested. There's not much else you can do at this point.


I think, unless you don't see anything wrong with it, that you need to leave this guy. He's very selfish to do this to you, he should have told you the whole truth at the beginning instead of telling you he didn't have anything at all.

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Some words that nearly every1 in the world needs to hear because every1 seems to not understand:




I cannot stress this enough, keep seeing it on so many threads, I don't get why people think its fine to not wear a condom as long as u pull out before ejaculating. U can get pregnant from the pre cum, becuase it contains a tiny amount of sperm in it.


U need to go get check out. That way u can be certain if u have caught anything or not. Good luck.

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I think he was telling you the truth although he should have told you prior to having sex.


It is true that although the warts themselves can be treated and removed the virus that causes them remains dormant. It is very contagious.


I agree with the post about seeing your doctor to get tested and talk with him/her. If you are negative then I would refrain from having sex with your boyfriend. It's just not worth it.

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The pregnancy issue with unprotected sex has been said, so I won't revisit it, but as for the warts, maybe he was just someone who figured that since the symptons went away, he no longer has it. If he hasn't been told you always have it no matter what, the only logical outcome is that once you stop receiving symptons, like any other medical problem, you presume it's over. That said, he still should have told you this though, as I know I would discuss something like this with someone before I got any more intimate with them.


The only way to know for sure is to get tested, I don't know what the rules are for the way genital warts are transmittesd or the circumstances that need to occur for them to be transmitted (i.e. showing symptoms or whatever) so all I can suggest is, go see a doctor ASAP.

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As the others have all said: go and see your doctor, they will be able to tell you if you have genital warts.


The virus can lay dormant for a long time before you see any sign of warts and even then they can be too small to see. If warts do appear then you can get then treated in a number of different ways (your doctor can explain these methods to you) but they can reappear after treatment due to the fact that the virus cannnot be cured.


As for your boyfriend, he did a very shallow thing by not telling you immediately. He obviously knew that you would have carefully considered having sex with him if you had known beforehand. I think that you should seriously reconsider your relationship with him, he has put you in a bad situation and lied to you about something very important.



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If he was them, then you likely do too.


Unlike herpes, genital warts are eaisly transmitted even when theres no occurrence, as the virus is contained in the blood, which is transmitted not only into the semen, but also onto the skin of the penis.


With herpes, the virus is mostly contained in the actual lesions, and if there are no outbreaks, the chance of transmitting is much smaller.


Not sure why you mentioned crabs in your initial post, but thats not an STD, and its very rare for it to be transmitted, even it if was, its eaisly curable.


As for having unprotected sex.....Please, please please, I hope your pro-choice. I woudl get a pregency test along with a test for warts, and for god sakes if your smart enough to have sex, why the hell cant you be smart enough to go to planned parenthood and get free birth control pills.


I dont care what kind of familiy background you have, I know that your smart enough to be able to take one little pill the same time every morning.

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