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I'm so scared. Today I went to visit my baby sister who was born TODAY! Like LAST NIGHT!!!! Now that I'm back home I found out that I'm getting sick, like my nose is running but I dont have temperature...yet....

I held my sister and of course I breathed on her and now I'm scared that she can catch my cold! I dont know what's gonna happed! I'm afraid to talk to anyone about it, I dont want to make my mom worried. Please tell me if a cold is not going to do anything serious to a baby? Is she deffinetely going to catch it?? I cant get this off my mind!


Thank you

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It will be ok. Babies have to face everything the world has to throw at them and many times they are tougher than you think. My son got his first serious cold and ear infection at 2 weeks old and 9 years later he's still able to drive me nuts easily.


You might want to avoid contact with the baby now that you know you are sick, but quite honestly if she does catch your cold it won't be as serious as you are fearing.

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You and your sister will be fine. Unless you were holding her for an extended period of time the chance that she caught your cold are small. And even if she does, its ok, and probally somewhat benificial. When your body fights off a cold, it builds anti-bodies for that paticular strain of the virus/infection. So each cold your sister gets, means thats one less type of infection/virus she will receive in the furture. (Each time you get a cold, its actually a different strain or mutation of another virus)

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Her immune system is actually better now than it will be when she is two weeks or even a few months old.


I dont remember the technical term for it, but when babies are first born, they have certian extra immunal systems in place, to combat the world.


Think of all of the things a baby is exposed to in the first hour after he or she is born? The air alone contains tons of harmful germs. After her body becomes used to the world, her immune system will actaully lower for a while.

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As everyone else has said, don't worry about it. Babies can get through so much more than we give them credit for. And unless you were breathing right in her face the whole time, I really wouldn't worry.


Like Rahll said, the first hour the baby is in this world, it is exposed to so many germs. Its actually really common for a baby to catch a cold.


Even if the baby were to catch the cold it could easily be cured. Basically all you need to do to cure colds is sleep a lot & thats what babies do best.

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