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Is he doubting the relationship???

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Me and my guy have been going out for 9 months. This will be both our 1st longest relationship. He is 27 and I am 22. He lives in SD and I live in TX. He is working and I am now working. We plan to get a apartment in 6 months. Which is not long if you look at it. It goes by faster then you think.


It has been a tough road for the both of us. I have had to skype and talk to him around his schedule. So when he wants me to call I try, but sometimes he beats me to it and thinks I do not call him as much. I have told him to not call so I can which I do have a chance sometimes....


Tonight I was really worried cause he thinks a lot about our relationship and gets to over analyzing it. He said are we really happy in this relationship and are we doing it just to do it. For me I know I have put time into it just as he has done. We have shared our emotions over how we feel each other can put into the relationship things that each other needs to work on.


The reason why I am asking is I am worrying that he is letting the distance be the problem and not focusing on the future. I have to sometimes tell him that it is what will be for the things in the longterm then the short term. His dad even reminds him as well. Cause his parents went through the same thing and so did mine. I tell him that life is not easy and that the lord did not give a instruction manual on anything and you have to figure it out. Also, giving up is the devils way out of saying you don't really care and that t is easier to give uo then work through your problems.


I feel that when he gets this far in a relationship he has a hard time understanding on what to do next. I mean he talks about how he does want to get married someday. This was even before he met me. I feel he knows he wants to get married, but is still having a hard time understanding that it is not about him in a marriage. It is about your wife and you, just as a relationship.


Tonight I told him that I know he needs to focus on getting his career started, yet he has. He is gaining the experience he need to go further. Just like I will be doing for my job. I told him that your partner is suppose to believe in you which I do and encourage you. Is what i am doing good, cause I use this a as reference. It is almost like the movie failure to launch.


He knows what he wants. He wants me to be with him. Yet I will be in 6 months. Should i tell him to keep looking forward to me moving up their. Cause distance is hard, and we both feel that once we are together in person it will work. * I know you may criticize this but it can work for some. It may be a sad way of thinking, but some people live like that. Once they have a good job it will work it self out. It is called positive thinking.

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Well i would tell him, don't overanalyze ,because you will lose your sight on the big picture. That you want to marry and that there shouldn't be analyzation up to the point that it would destroy the relationship, also for the relationship to work the LDR needs to become a short distance relationship as soon as possible.

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