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I'm interested but don't know how to ask...

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Maybe some of you men out there can give me some advice. I'm a 40 year old, very attractive mom. I am very interested in someone...the problem is, he's my chiropractor. He's single, has a little girl, and is very much the type of man I would like to be with. He is handsome, loves nature, works out, and has been teaching me how to make my diet healthier. He's got a terricfic sense of humor and seems to have a general interest in me. I'm looking for hints of some kind, but I know it's difficult when he's doing his job. HELP! I asked him if he would like to go shopping together someday so he can help me with selecting vegan foods, and he seemed interested. He's going away camping for a week and so as it stands I have an appointment with him next week. How would you let a man know you are interested in more than just being "readjusted"? -


In search of love in PA.

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It might be slightly strange at first shifting from a patient to partner relationship, but it's not unheard of of course.


Take it slow, good advice for all relationships.


And hopefully as you spend more time with him, and enough hints dropped *short of hitting him on the head with the "I LIKE YOU" hammer*, he'll realize your true intentions


But I think he still might not be sure, he could just be cordial and friendly to all his patients.


Wish you luck and keep us posted as to what happens next

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