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I used to be a vegetarian and I was thin, which says a lot for such a diet. I ate stuff like vegetable stirfry all the time. I had a recipe for schezuan stirfry. It had brocoli and other assorted vegetables cooked in the schezuan sauce, and you could put it on top of brown rice. I also always made a tofu stirfry, vegetables and tofu and soy sauce and etc.


I wouldn't recommend vegetarianism as a good way to lose weight, unless of course, it's done the right way.


Why? Because being a vegetarian may still allow some people to eat cake, cookies, chips, soda, and all that junk -- depending on which type of vegetarian they are (vegan, lacto, lacto-ovo, pesco, pollo, and so on). For instance, a lacto-ovo vegetarian eats eggs AND dairy, so anything made from milk and eggs, like doughnuts, may very well eat that junk.


You seem to have done it the better way, though, Kitty. Lots of veggies and soy, whole grain foods (brown rice) -- and you also got some of your fats in there, too.


I'm only saying this because a friend of mine did this to lose weight, and she lost zilch-- she was probably still eating all that junk.

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Plus, when you're losing it "fast" as you say, you're typically burning off muscle as well as fat. And it's also a fair amount of water weight, as well. You need to keep your muscle in order to appear toned and smaller. A pound of muscle also burns more calories than a pound of fat. Keeping and gaining new muscle (i.e. as in weight training) is essential to healthy weight loss. I'd try for a goal of two pounds a week as opposed to "fast" weight loss. You'll just end up gaining it back in the long run and probably more.

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I wouldn't recommend vegetarianism as a good way to lose weight, unless of course, it's done the right way.


Why? Because being a vegetarian may still allow some people to eat cake, cookies, chips, soda, and all that junk -- depending on which type of vegetarian they are (vegan, lacto, lacto-ovo, pesco, pollo, and so on). For instance, a lacto-ovo vegetarian eats eggs AND dairy, so anything made from milk and eggs, like doughnuts, may very well eat that junk.


You seem to have done it the better way, though, Kitty. Lots of veggies and soy, whole grain foods (brown rice) -- and you also got some of your fats in there, too.


I'm only saying this because a friend of mine did this to lose weight, and she lost zilch-- she was probably still eating all that junk.


Yep I definitely agree with you. Doing vegetarianism the right way is the only way to go. If you're a vegetarian that consumes a lot of junk foods, well, you'll not only NOT lose the weight but will also be unhealthy.

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  • 9 months later...



i know this thread is for someone else but i want to loose some weight aswell


but i'm only 15 and i know i'm not fat or anything but lately i have piled on the pounds


does anyone know a healthy way for me to loose a few pounds?

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