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Unexpected losses


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Death is so unexpected. It can come without warning and no matter how many times you promise someone you'd never take your own life or that you'll be around forever, other things in this world can interfere with those promises. I realize how important it really is to make sure I truly say the things I mean because no one can truly control the universe or prevent death from happening.


I haven't dealt with a death of someone close to me before but I know that I will have to eventually. When you're living in the moment, you never expect that anything as traumatic as death will happen and thinking that way is no way to live, but making things okay between someone and telling the people you love how much you care really are an impact.


Are there others that feel the same?

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I haven't experienced a lot of close family deaths yet either, my fear is that it will snowball when it happens. In some ways I want to think of death as a cycle of life yet when it's taken away suddenly I can only imagine how hard it is to grasp that idea.


My wife lost her sister three years ago in an accident and she still feels it hasn't sunken in yet.

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You're only 19 and you are so SMART to think this way. I know I wasn't thinking that way at 19.


Yes, death can come suddenly, although with those in your age group rather tragically, as in car accidents, accidental overdosing, etc.


Do yourself a favor and do your best to embrace life each day. Make something of your life, and I mean like painting the best watercolor or becoming an actor of fame or saving a puppy. Just do your personal best. You have much to look forward to and are too young to ponder about death. Best wishes.

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Death is so unexpected. It can come without warning and no matter how many times you promise someone you'd never take your own life or that you'll be around forever, other things in this world can interfere with those promises. I realize how important it really is to make sure I truly say the things I mean because no one can truly control the universe or prevent death from happening.


I haven't dealt with a death of someone close to me before but I know that I will have to eventually. When you're living in the moment, you never expect that anything as traumatic as death will happen and thinking that way is no way to live, but making things okay between someone and telling the people you love how much you care really are an impact.


Are there others that feel the same?


I agree. I always make sure to tell those that I love and care about that I love them. My cousin passed away in her sleep last December, very unexpectedly, at the young age of 30. We had no warning signs and it was a complete shock(she was healthy, didn't smoke, drink, etc). It took me a long time to start to accept what happened. It really turned my life upside down. It's sad to think it took that for me to be more aware daily, but I hope others can start to be thankful for every single day they have without having something like that happen. Each day is a gift and is so amazing, you never know when your last day will be. Like the cliche, you should live like you are dying...

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It can be hard to find the right words when a person is in mourning and grieving painfully. There is no perfect formula to soften death and dying for everyone all the time. However, the fact is that most of the time, the best thing you can possibly do is to listen to what the grieving person needs to say.


Time you can learn to live with what happened, and when the years go by, to maintain or create the fondest memories.


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Providing a Helping Hand to Grieving Hearts

Ruby L. Taylor, M.S.W., Founder

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