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Well my ex and I are back again at no contact. We had a huge argument this weekend and he said that it was all Deja vu. And that we needed to go back to nc. Im back to feeling the dark days all over again and it hurts like hell. I'm not doing good at all and nothing is helping. I don't feel like I an hold myself up anymore... I guess I've Ben beaten.

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Yeah well I feel like I've been abandoned twice. Both relationships ended with me being the dumped one. So it feels like I have something wrong with me something that makes people forget me. And it hurts. I don't have friends that I can trust either because all the friends were shared. Now everyone is with him and I'm alone. I feel so alone

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There is nothing wrong with you. If anything there is something seriously wrong with him.


Well.. I am really sorry that you have to go through this. Remember you are not alone.. you have so many enotaloners that would gladly listen to you and give you advice!


Cheer up butterrrcuppp ;p

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It's so hard...this ex saw what another break up had done to me and yet he makes me go through this. It's cruel in a way. And then he say I'm too clingy on him and that right now he wants no serious relationship. He had promised we were gonna be friends and yesterday guess what he told me. I have no obligation to answer this phone for you. He said that to me. It hurts so badly

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