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feeling guilty about my feelings

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hey everyone. ok...i just want some unbias opinions and insights about something. im 16 at the moment, but i knew this guy since i was 4, and we were best friends growing up. we were really like 2 little kids in love but just too young to do anything about it. we went to junior high together and he became a jerk. but things got better and we ended on a good note until he moved the summer b4 high school.

because of our relationship before, i don't have any forms of contact with him. but i know i truly loved him. i slowly began to move on and not seeing him everyday became normal, the idea of hearing his voice an imposibility. this year, i met this great guy and we're going out and i do love him. but i feel guilty because i still think about that guy from my childhood. it scares me because i truly don't know how i would feel if that guy walked back into my life. i just feel guilty, that im not fully over this guy that i really never even dated. do you guys out there think its wrong? has anyone been in this situation? how have u dealt with it?

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I think that we carry forever in our hearts the song of our first love. Yet, unfortunately, we often are not of an age to control our destiny and are often swept apart by the tides of fate.


It sounds like you have some unanswered questions. Perhaps you should find this young man and talk to him. See if the reality matches your memory and determine if there is a future with him in some way.


In any case, you are now of an age that you and your peers will undergo a great change.. your lives will be shaped in many different ways and all of you for many years to come will grow in different ways.


This first love you have is a precious thing.. and it may be something that can grow as you do, or it may be something that you will have to let go in order to meet your future and keep tucked away in your heart as something precious and special.


I hope that this helped you in some way..



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Yeah I can see where you would feel guilty about moving on to different things with other people. but you also have to understand that the other thing is pretty much over and you can't do anything about it other than just move on.


Have fun with the new relationship and be happy about it. Don't just rely on the shadow of something that happened a long time a go. I'm sure you'll have time to have many more relationships. Don't feel so guilty about it.

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