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i know it is a strange question but i think it is important

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ok.... this is weird but my penis has a bunch of these little dots on it.. kind of like goosebumps, but they are always there. they are around the base and right below the head. i have never had sex so it cant be an std.. could it be from masturbating too much?

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the bumpy things are right around the base, and you know that how that skin directly underneath your head is a different color, then it gets normal? it is right where the skin is its normal color under the head.. if that makes any sense

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Being a woman, I've never had the bumps....but I DID hear a urologist who explained about those pimply-looking bumps, and he said they're still not sure what they are, but that they're definitely harmless. Apparently quite a few guys get them-they're not contagious, they generally don't bother the person they're on, and they eventually go away. Could be a form of heat rash, general irritation from your pants, etc. Regardless, the point is that you haven't contracted some weird disease! But it certainly wouldn't hurt to go to your doc and have 'em checked out regardless, just to make sure.



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You description of little goosebumps on the Penis fits mine. I noticed it when I was like 16. I went to the skin Specialist and I was told that it's normal. It resembles a form of STD ... some kind of ward or something. But if you never had sex, it shouldn't be. Anyway, who care about little dots on Penis ... as long as you have the ablility to satisfy a girl ... isn't it?



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  • 3 weeks later...
ok.... this is weird but my penis has a bunch of these little dots on it.. kind of like goosebumps, but they are always there. they are around the base and right below the head. i have never had sex so it cant be an std.. could it be from masturbating too much?



i got the same thing, and i masturbate so i dont know. i dont think the chicks mind though. 8)

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If u are talking on the glands head base, thats fine. Im not sure what they are called but they are completely harmless and I think a 3rd of all guys get them. If its on the skin of the penis, mainly the lower area I would think that their just hair follucles ( seems more common with women *ahem* sorry viewing porn ). I have both. Some1 asked the same question a while ago, and someone gave a link with the 2 pictures of these common symptoms with the doctors stating it was all perfectly natural and very common.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank god someone posted this. I've always thought I was an absolute freak. Had them since 12-13 years old (somewhere around there). 8 years later I still have them. For a long time I was insecure at letting girls look at my penis, but even when I'd point them out to a girl she'd say they're alright. Last time I had an STD exam I asked the nurse about them and she said I could see a dermotologist if I wanted, but they weren't contageous and wouldn't be a problem for me other than looks.

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