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Not Sure What To Feel...

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Sometimes you just feel so dejected from something that has recently happened. An ex-girlfriend of mine has recently broken up with her boyfriend of six months. I have been there for her for these past two weeks. I have told her that I still have feelings for her from awhile back. She says that she doesn't want a boyfriend right now. But, who could blame her; really. I really still do love her. I want to be there for here, but I am finding that my feelings are getting away from me. So, I have decided to not have face-to-face contact with her. I feel that if I keep my distance, that I can keep my feelings subsided. Do you think that I should still be there for her and let me feelings get the best of me? Or should I just try to keep my distance until she is ready for someone in her life?

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She is very vulnerable right now and all she can probably think about is the guy she just broke up with. I think this is the worst time you could pick to try and get back with her. If you honestly care about her as a friend, then yes, be there for her. If you are doing so with the hope of getting something more than her friendship in return, don't.

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I think she justs needs some time...you said the breakup was recent. Be there for her as much as possible. Don't stop talking to her though. Because if you've been there for her up until now and then you stop, she'll feel even worse. She just lost a boyfriend and I bet she doesn't want to lose a good friend either. Just communicate everything to her so she understands. She may still like you as well. But right now may not be the right time. If you still love her, dont let her go just yet. Good luck!

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I understand she needs to time. She has told me so in very harsh ways. But, for some reason, I just wonder if she would ever again care about me the way I care about her. I don't know if it is possible. I would sure like to think it is. But, then again, who knows. I want her to be a part of my life. It just seems to fit. I have always believed she was the one. But how do you know these things? How do you know if it is something that would last? I am going on to college next month as is she. She will be in a different environment then I will. All I want is for her to be happy. Now whether that is with or without me, I do not care. Whatever happens, happens. I just believe in the power of love and power of prayer. Somehow, I know things will work out for the best.

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