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What am I to do?

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Okay, there was this girl I really liked a few weeks ago. She had me over to her house, then out for dinner and we planned a date for the next night. Scheduling conflicts got in the way and it was cancelled. For some reason after that she seemed very distant and not talkative. Keep in mind we talked for hours at a time via instant messanger or phone. I asked if she thought things between her would work and and she said 'im sure they would." I really like her a lot and want to see how far we can go and at the time she said she wasn't really looking for a relationship. I agreed and believed her, only to find out she is now going out with some kid from a diffrent highschool. I dont' understand how 1. we can do stuff together and talk a lot one day and the next she is distant and dating someone else. 2. what am i to do? I would still like to go out with her regardless of the fact she kinda screwed me over. I really got to know her when we talked, we discussed personal and intimate subjects etc. and I thought things would work out great. To my surprise they didn't and I am confused. Can someone help me with this and give me some advice? Greatly appreciated, thanks!

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It sounds like during the time that you perceived her to be getting closer to you, she was simultaneously testing the waters with that other guy. I wouldn't consider it two-timing, as she didn't commit anything to either of you at the time. It happens -- sometimes you're just faced with situations where there appears to be a number of potentials and you feel you like them equally or some aspects of each person -- until one day you just realize that you like one of them more. I think that's why she acted distant. It's her way of signalling to you that she's not interested anymore and kind of her way of trying not to hurt you by outright rejecting you. So now you know -- by way of her actions -- that she has chosen the other person for whatever reason that probably is unrelated to you (ie. nothing that you did or didn't do). Sometimes life sucks like that, sorry man.

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