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i can´t stand this..i miss him

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There are days I think Im stronger, this is just stupid other people will come into my life and it will all be alright, but not today..today i am a mess. today i miss him so much and i am afraid i ll never see him again.

Hate the emptiness i m feeling, hate the fact that he didnt contact me in so long. Hate nc, hate my pride..


I want him back


Sorry for such a negative post but i needed to share this with someone.



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Yup. I remember those days or what I like to call yesterday. lol.. okay maybe not so funny. It sucks. Could give you all kinds of advice on how I handle it but nah, I think you just to hear some .. knock knock jokes. Okay, that was little more funny. lol


I'm guessing you broke up or got mangled recently? Pride is an awful thing at that point. It is important though so try to hang on to it.


Take the time to read a few posts, sleep, eat well, maybe a long walk or do a NAVY SEAL workout. Re-connect with some pals, make new ones. Drinking and eating are things we do but don't talk about, be moderate or do few more SEAL workouts.


I heard ya. Cyber pat on the back, it'll be okay.

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Thank you Semperrogue for trying to cheer me up. it helped and it was funny.


Yes 6 weeks since the break up and it seems an eternity and that there s no solution cause I havent tried to contact him neither did he. We were LD and he broke up after 2 weeks of my last visit to his place when everything was perfect. I know the right thing is that he contacts me but its so hard when I see he s online and we wont speaK. really hate this.


Going out today, having dinner with my friends


It will be ok! thanks

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Crying helps. When I get that numb feeling or pressure in my chest, I try to force a good cry to release that tension. It helps in the beginning. Eventually, your body will get exhausted and overwhelmed from all the intense emotion, that it's going to signal your brain to stop being depressed and sad.


I also like watching motivational videos on youtube or reading empowering books. I try to work out. Maybe at this stage, you're not ready to, but it's not bad to start thinking about it. I tell myself that 10 minutes goes by quickly, so I put on my shoes, or flip flops and walk/run around the neighborhood or house. Sometimes cleaning helps. Start off slow. Pick one area you want to clean. Don't overwhelm yourself.


If all else fails, grab a tub of Ben and Jerry's and watch a sappy movie, or go online and read up on why NC is good for you. I love going on this forum and youtube for support.


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I have to say I share your feelings. I think its the uncertainty that prolongs the pain. I can honestly say for myself the one thing keeping me back is myself. I know it's over and every time I try to accept it, it comes back as if I didn't accept it.


Anyway enough about me. Listen, I am very sorry you are feeling this way because it hurts. I am not saying this because it's the right thing to say but because I mean it. The "never seeing them again" part is so weird because , it's the one thing you want, but right now it's the one thing that will make things worse. I think about that all the time. I secretly beg for her to call me and have conversations with her in the car on the way home. I say i'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. I cry and plead with nobody in the car with me, hoping someone will hear me and bring her back but it never happens.


Sorry I went off about myself again. I really hope you get past that feeling. Actually, I know you will. In the moment it feels like you won't, but you feel that way when you're throwing up and sick too, but it goes away.


Lots of Love

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OP, I just want you to know you've been heard. I'm sorry this is so hard. Do you have any close friends around you that would be more than happy to spend time with you right now? Is there something you can do that will make you feel just a smidgen better? Internet window shopping (or actual shopping) made me feel better Reading about other people's problems helped me, too . Semper mentioned it earlier, but the little things matter. Make sure you're eating (even if it's something negligible and isn't enough at all), try to let your body rest, okay? It's good that you're letting it out, that means you're a healthy person! Really, you'd be surprised just how many people act like nothing happened. Those folks are going to have to clean up the huge mess that will unleash itself at a really bad time. Not you, though! Pat yourself on the back for saying how you feel and getting it out. Keep doing that, okay?

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Serendipity, I'm right there with you. I miss him so much and I hate this whole NC thing. It's been just over two months for me and while it does get easier, today was HORRIBLE.


I was offered a job!! But something about the overall excitement and awesomeness of that completely triggered the pain and made me miss him more than I have in weeks. I don't know if I will ever talk to him again either, and it hurts more than anything. Deep down inside I just want him to come back, call, text, something, but I've been doing so good on NC I know that's not an option anymore. It sucks b/c my stomach is feeling weird tonight, and when that used to happen we'd stay in and he'd take care of me. Now I either have to stay in and sit amidst my heartbreak or go out and just suck it up. I'm going to go out b/c I know it's what I should do, but I am just NOT in the mood at all...


Diggitydave is right, the never seeing them again part is so weird, and a lot of what we are struggling with is uncertainty. I picture conversations with him sometimes too. I picture a lot of things. Soooo painful.


Hang in there. It feels like it will NEVER get better, doesn't it? I know. But I am here with you tonight, believing that it will, despite how I feel

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wow guys I just want to say thank you to all of you it was really great to know that I am not alone in this fight. Some days are better than others aren´t they?


I eneded up going to a friends place and sleeping over, it was very nice and at least i put my mind off all this. On my way home while driving (and this is always when I have clear thoughts, dont really know why) I just thought that the person I miss and I love would never leave me out of one where and didnt care afterwards. So I guess I am getting better even though I have days like, we all have!


I know it´s hard but it will be easier soon and one thing I am certain when you really love someone and it´s strong and special it doesnt fade like that...


So Lia, Quirkycute, dancingcolors, diggitydave, Imgrowing and sempergrogue: what have to be will be and it will be for the best hang on in there, I am also here with all you guys!

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