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she said shes afraid?

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Well recently the girl who i was going to start a relationship with, decided that we should remains friends.


She didn't want to " hurt" me if she got scared or broke away form me




but we obviously have strong feelings for her.



What should i ask her? what should i tell her?



Ive already said alot i just want to make sure i got everything i could say said.



She also said she snot ready not a relationship now but she would later on?

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The one relationship that meant the most to me was the one I took my time with. We didn't jump into things and we first started off with a friendship. When we did decide to get together, we had a really strong bond with eachother because we were already comfortable with eachother. Take your time with it but never take advantage of the fact that you may lose eachother so always be thankful. (that's what I've learned from my past relationships)




What should i ask her? what should i tell her?


ask her whatever you feel. No one is in the friendship/relationship except you and her so whatever you feel comfortable asking her or whatever is on your mind, ask her. A big part of a good healthy relationship is honesty and being comfortable with the person.


Good luck!!!!

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i think you should move on to someone else or just not wait for her, because why wouldn't she be ready for a relationship now? is she having family problems? is there another guy? is something upsetting her? i never could myself understand when someone said "i'm not ready for a relationship right now", there's obviously another reason.

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