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girls your respnses needed

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yes i was just wondering why almost all girls go for the guys who dont respect women at all, who are rude, and are just in it for the sex. i mean is there something physically wrong with nice guys or what because im at a loss here. any response would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I am not sure...


I guess it's the woman being mislead... finding someone she really likes/loves, and then finding out later that her boyfriend/partner is abusive. But because she hopes for the man she fell in love with to return to how he was when she first met him, she sticks by him.


Sometimes she may also stay with her man because of her children, if any....


A lot of the time, they will stay with their man because of security... well, he might not offer any to her most of the time, but she doesn't want to have to leave because she isn't sure what to do... or maybe she stays with him because he threatens that if she doesn't, he will hunt her down and kill her... a lot of men make threats like that to their partners..


This is my opinion, anyways.

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I have a tendency to find that nice guys are attracted to bad girls too, or at least, that is how it seems at first sight.


But then, I observed deeper other people's relationships and I compared my own behaviour to the behaviour of not very nice girls, I noticed these patterns :


1. WHY I RARELY DO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP BEYOND CASUAL DATING : I look for a sincere relationship, and thereforeeee, when a guy I am datingdoes not behave correctly with me, I get upset or I simply stop talking to him (i.e. he flirts with other women, I find out he sleeps with his former girlfriend, he lies, want to get sexual too fast, etc.)

For this reason, I rarely go beyond the casual dating level.


AT THE SAME TIME, GIRLS WHO ARE NOT SERIOUS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS BUT ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR THE GOODIES (usually material goodies, restaurants, clothes, free rides, etc.) don't get involved emotionally. In fact, they don't care if the guy flirts with other women, if he sleeps with his former gf, and do other stuff, as long as they get what they want out of the relationship; generally, they also have a few bfs at the same time, that is why they don't mind if one of them does not call her for two weeks, or other.


IN THE SAME VEIN, the bad guys are usually very good flirts. They do all the right moves because they are not emotionally involved. They don't really care about the ultimate results because they have other girls on the side. They can be more rational.


NICE GUYS, ON THE CONTRARY get nervous, make a fool of themselves, are more hesitant, make foolish mistakes and thereforeeee get less results because they are emotionally involved.


These are my impressions, I hope this helped.

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i know the reason why i have been mislead by men like that, is because i am turned on by the bad boy image and the tattoos and stuff like that, i dont know why but i am...i think tats are sexy as goes for the bad boy image....lol call me weird but i do.....somegirls are attracted by that, either that or they are just trying to rebell against their parents, it just depends on the girl and her situation....but girls do appreciate men that treat them right....i know i went from loving the bad boy image to wanting to have a real romance...i think its woman growing older...

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