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A purpose in life.

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I've been asking myself, "What is my purpose in life?" I'm very sad most of the time. I find myself staring out the window most days, even thought nothing eventful is happening. I just look out the window. I just feel so useless. No purpose. Why do I exist?

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Man i hate myself for being so pessimistic and whingy


Get yourself to the gym lad. Its the only time I can truly forget about lifes stresses and how depressed I am. Works great for the body as well and should give u more self esteem.

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I've been asking myself, "What is my purpose in life?" I'm very sad most of the time. I find myself staring out the window most days, even thought nothing eventful is happening. I just look out the window. I just feel so useless. No purpose. Why do I exist?


Hi A|N,

Looks like you have stated your purpose - to find out why you exist.


You may find that all 'why' questions never give an ultimate answer, as each answer can be responded to with: "Well then, why....".


Assuming a purpose is first assuming that there is something to have a purpose. Why questions assume that something is/was there and want to know why. First look into whether there is anything there/here.


Please do not assume that that you are useless and without purpose. Looking out of your window you have already found that nothing eventful is happening. Finding nothing happening and living with/as that is a very useful 'purpose', especially in times of assumed frantic activity.


Sadness is an emotion resulting from the assumption that something (else) should be happening.


I have enjoyed sitting quietly with you. Thank you.

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Heh, damn i tought i was the only one, the other day i tought to myself, "maybe if i just stay here, like will pass by fast and then all this sh%t will end", if my grandma was right, i will go to heaven where i will be happily everafter, not having to ask why why why why!!. Little things can make you happy for little time, movies do it for me, something new, dont get to excited, it doesnt work for that long. Right now a little piece of me is happy cuz im apparently going to spain, once that is over i guess my new little pieve of happiness is that im starting school and learning something, when that is over my little piece of happiness will be x-mas. And as for today, my little piece of happiness is that when i get to work, im gonna walk to the store next door, and buy one of those spanish cake-thingies with some spanish soda-thingie....and yep, thatd be the highlight of the day. So as much as it sucks for you buddy , it sucks the same and even twice sometimes for everybody else. Lets just hope this crap is over soon .

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Oh I can't watch movies. They depress me even more. I think too much that's why. Everyone in the movie is so pretty and always have a happy ending. Then after the movie I get really depressed in the car. I just think about the characters beyond the movie. Like how they are really actors and actresses. Damn attractive people with great lives; getting paid to do what they love. So movies are not good for me.

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