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Feelings Are Out of Whack, Where'd the Love Go?


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Now me and my ex are talking again which is great. Long story short we've been together twice before. First time she screwed up, now I did and trying to get back together. But the intimate feelings I had before seem to have gone. As if I've been through so much that my heart has ceased to beat for her anymore. But I know that I care very deeply for her and want to be her provider, protector, lover and all that stuff but again I've dealt with so much heart ache and stress that I think the love is just gone. Once before I had a near panic attack thinking I was falling out of love. We got back together and everything was fine but now I feel in the middle. Completely neutral and a lil apathetic in a sense. Should we take a break from each other and revisit "us" in some months? We go together like Jiff's peanut butter (even though she hates peanut butter) and Smucker's Jam (cause its the best there is) so I have no doubt of compatibility and chemistry. So let me look at your compass to see where you'd go. Cause mine is broke at the moment and spinning outa control.

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