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improving our sex life

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me and my girlfiend have been going out for 10months. We are both 21 and its both of our first sexual relationships. Sex is good but we want to make it alot better this summer. we just have sex with me on top or my gf on top which is fine but my gf much perfers her on top and says she gets tired after a while. She hasn't had an orgasm in all that time and i feel r.bad about it. But i want to learn on how to r. stimulate her by giving her good oral sex. Also new positions and places to have sex we want to tryout. Any ideas as we are both excited about trying new things?!



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Hey Jammer8,


I would have to say to try doing it doggie style. You also have to remember a woman is not like a man she needs to have stimulation. Just dont rush going down on her. Take your time and act like a tourist and see the sights. Kiss her all over her body. Working your way down there slowly and when your in the area of her vagina. Don't go there right away just kiss the area and tease her a little. The biggest thing that a man can do for his woman is watch her reactions because that will give you clues as to what she likes that is if she is not comfortable telling you.


Good luck,


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You shoud be having sex every which way u two can come up with...enjoy it and let each other know what u like.....ask her what feels the best get to know each others bodies and tastes...Cant get what u want if u dont ask or tell!!

If she doesnt orgasim, do what u got do to reload ur gun and get back in action!!! I remember when my x and i first started having sex we would keep going and going and going...i felt abused and used!! Enjoy it! Get creative and be open!!

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Yeah, the only thing you can really do is experiment and be creative. Even if you think a certain way is too weird, do it anyway, she may love it (and you may love it, as well). You never know until you try! If you're not a very creative person, maybe pick up a Karma Sutra book or something like that. And, yeah, just watch her reactions. It'll make it a ton easier if you pay attention to her reactions.

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Oh this is so sweet. Ok the deal is, apart from everything they have already posted here; you migth wanna get a sex book or sommin. A guide

I say definitely do doggy-it gives way to deeper penetration and you can also touch her diamonds and play with her, and trust me: she will LOVE it. Its very erotic.


Ehmm.. places is definitely THE criterion for me. I hate the bed. Its boring. But general I guess.

I love it on the table in the kitchen while waiting for food to be cooked; i love it on the sofa while "watching" a movie; I love it on the beach at sunset its the most beautiful thing; ok ok i know the stinky bathroom isnt a sexy situation, but its a good break while clubbing your bum off: just sneak up to the bathrooms and bend her over the toilet (ooooh and its sooo good when she stands up on you-try it .

Damn it cant really be programmed: it just happens spontaneously. You know, desire overwhels you and you want that person right there and now. These are the open and experimental people. (dont get involved in such things with inhibited women-they will get it wrong i assume)


So there. experiment and have fun. be open to do new things. Good luck! x

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