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i just skipped a few steps in the sex latter

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actually not me, my friend(not one of those it was me but i am avoiding saying it was me scenarios)


well my best friend "bob" has only kissed a girl. and he and tihs girl got into things, and before he even frenched kiss a girl, let alone her, she gave him head.


what is your take on this? good, bad, weird, anything, b/c he is a little unsure of what to do or where he stands.

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yeah...i think this is a little strange. i mean...if your friend is ok with it then thats fine. personally i think its better to take things a step at a time tho!


one nite i was at a party and my current boyfriend was also there...well we didnt kno each other very well or anything at the time...and to make a long story short..we hooked up and he ended up going down on me that nite. well id been with others guys so its not exactly the same kind of situation...but i do sort of wish we had taken things a bit more slowly. But it all worked out because now we've been dating even since shortly after that nite and we're going on 2 months!!



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That chick obviously puts out way too easily. Even if your friend was ok with it, you can't enjoy the prize if you didn't work for it, and I think sunnihunni's experience is an isolated one, since relationships crumble if they're based on sex or the preliminaries thereof.


Nevertheless, your friend is just outright going to have trouble respecting her, and that will lead to relationship trouble.

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