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Help! Women are confusing!!

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Hello everyone, and thanks for taking the time to read my post.


--> About 4 monts ago a two year relationship i was in ended, and not becasue i wanted it to. The girl left me for one of my friends, and needless to say, we are not friends anymore. Now i am over her, but i still have trouble trusting people in a relationship.


--> Two weeks ago a asked a friend of mine if a girl we both know was single. He told me she was, and that she liked me. He invited me to go to the local, club, and invited the girl to come too. She and I danced together for about two hours, and spent the rest of the night together. We ended up going for a sunrise swim, and laying in my car for a couple hours. Since then we have hung out about 6 times , and she is always kissing me and taking my hand. I am by nature a romantic person, so i love that she is so affectionate, but i still feel awkward around her. I think she is also nervous around me, since she sometimes blushes when i talk to her. I asked her to be my girlfriend on the fourth of july , and she took my hand said she would.


-->I assumed we were going fine, but today she said she would call, AND SHE DIDNT CALL. I ended up calling her, and we went to the park and walked around, holding hands and kissing before she went to work. I think i am just overreacting that she didnt call, maybe because i still have trouble trusting after my previous relationship ended so badly. I asked her to get together Thursday night (7/8), and she said she wanted to, so i think everything is all well and good, but a seed of doubt was planted today. Am i overreacting? Or just over analytical? Any advice would be really appreciated, as i have decided that women are the most complicated things on the planet, and i have little hope of understanding them


Thanks for reading

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Hey. From an outsider's perspective I would say that you have nothing to be worried about. She obviously likes you from what you've said (kissing, etc.) so don't let the one time not calling thing bother you. She was probably waiting to call you when she was done with work or something. If it keeps happening ask her about it, but as of right now I'd say there is nothing to dwell on.

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