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Moving to Hawaii state from U.K.

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I'm not sure really if this fits in here but it seems be close enough to my own personal growth and future plans.


In a few years time I plan to work up enough money to be able to make a permenant move to Hawaii, Oahu on my own. I looked up some stuff about already and the idea seems more appealing the more i look into it, but at the back of my mind I still have small 'kiddie' thoughts, like if i'd be able to survive on my own. Moving out of home is one thing, living in a completely different country is big step from that i think. I definitely want to consider it anyhow.


I have a questions thou, has anyone done anything simular, and are willing to share there experiences? Is it a hard process, like getting a visa/green card, fianacial diificulties? getting use to the culture?


any thing you can contribute , comment or advise me on, would be greatly appreciated ^_^




White Kimono

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Well one thing I know about Hawaii is that it is expensive. Since it is so beautiful the price of property there is pretty high. Also since alot of tourists go there everything will be a little bit more. If you moved to a city or town out of the tourist areas then I will assume that the prices will be lower and it would be cheaper to live there. About the culture shock it would be a shock to anybody whether they live in the US or the UK because Hawaii has a culture of its own. I dont think it would be that hard to get to live in Hawaii with the immigration process. Just make sure you have all the proper documentation and you dont do anything stupid like bring drugs with you.

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I would first suggest paying an extended visit out there if you haven't already. I just returned from my second trip there and it is absolutely breath-taking and mesmerizing. Anyone that visits, I'm sure contemplates living there. I even did, but my friend lived there for 6 months and I almost kick myself for not going myself during that time.


Do your research for sure, including housing and jobs. Since Oahu houses the capital, Honolulu, the opportunity would be the best there and there are plenty of jobs, especially in tourism and retail. I would just be sure to not get caught up in the illusion of Hawaii and make sure it is really where you want to be. Are you sure you want to be that far from family and friends? What is your real motivation? These are questions to consider. Good Luck. Let us know what happens.




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Thank you both for suggestions and comments


Yes, i'm planning a month visit to Oahu next year summer to scope the place out for myself properly ^_^ i've looked into to housing (renting at first) but the job part miffs me slightly so have to look better into that. I'm hoping in the next three years with help and my intakes from my job.


My Motivation? Well this might sound whimish but long ago i wanted to move abroad, its just been a juggle between moving to japan, New Zealand and only recently Hawaii. Life here in my opinion is sufficating and unhealthy, it feels like its getting worst in London. I'm a person of culture, I want to feel at least somewhat more freedom in a different one and live my remaining days there. One of my friends mentioned it to me as a holiday and even suggested living there (Only because of the men she says the idea clicked more seriously after hearing about it.


As far as family is concerned they seem to be surportive, and my friends, I have few, and they them shelves are planning lives away from London, we all share simular ambitions in life. ^_^

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