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Hey, i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on what to do with this problem i have. To most people i dont seem like it, but when things that really bother me build up on me i become literally furious and i feel like picking the thing thats right next to me, no matter in size or weight, and throwing it at someone/something. Its not as much when im aroudn my friends, because we usually have a good time and dont get mad at each other, but its more when im around my family. My parents keep on bugging me about little things and when they build up i just lash out with rage. I usually go to my room and scream into my pillow until my throat feels as if someone was slashing it with a razor blade everytime i talk, and throwing things around as well as punching my door or the walls. Even though i do that, i sometimes flip out on my family, more on my sister or my mother. If im in that mood and they aggiate me i just start screaming at them. Please if anyone can give me advice or any tips to help this rage that would be very well appreciated

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i have the same exact problem except over the years i learned to keep em in, nowadays things have happened to me which make it hard for me to express emotion at times, so all i kno is if it does get to the point that you have to express it then jus take deep breaths when you are close to losing it, also finding a nice way to let that anger out would work. such as purchasing a punching bag or write poem or stories, anything that can express your emotions in a way which no one can get hurt or cause a conflict. good luck

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ok i dont kno if my advice will work for you or not but i do egzactly the same thing... i usually flip out on my sisters and my friends.. i just get pi ss ed at lil things the most... and wen i do i lash out and start hittin things i had to get stitches 3 times already.. just from like punchin my walls n windows n stuff like that.. and i went thru 2 computers cuz i smashed my other ones.. but i learned that screaming into a pillow helps... findin a place where u can chill relax n no1 can bother u my fav place to go wen i get stressed it the state hospital i liek to sit on the wall an look at errything.. or take a walk.. talk to a GOODFRIEND.. thats all taht helps me i hope that helps~!..

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Hi PunkPyro912. I know what you mean. I get mad with my family, too.


I wanted to say two things. First, you might want to think about why you get mad -- like what kinds of things set you off. Is your family picking on you, or telling you you're not good enough, or something? If so, you need to start speaking up in a constructive way. Say something neutral, like, "When you say that, it sounds like you think I'm xxxxx. I don't really like that, 'cause I'm not xxxxx. I wish you wouldn't say that."


Then give them a chance to change what they said.


Second, sometimes it helps to admit that you've been wronged. For me, I get mad when I take someone else's behavior personally, like someone nags me, Don't forget to do such-and-such, and I get offended because it's like they're saying I'm forgetful (which I'm not). But when I admit to myself that they've wronged me, it's my way of saying, It's not me, it's them. And I don't feel that bad anymore. Does that make sense?


Sometimes we get maddest because we fear that what someone else says about us is true. One key to staying calm is believing that what other people say isn't necessarily true.


I hope some of that helps. Take it easy.

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