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please help, being slowly driven crazy!

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So there's this really cute girl (yes it's one of those posts) and I was hoping that somebody might be able tell me if she likes me as a friend, likes me more than that or is just being flirty.


She lives quite far away from me, so I only met her for the first time yesteday. I have spoken to her over the internet and viz SMS and she has said such things as 'do you think you'll get back with your girlfriend' and asked me if i wanted to go to this music festival with her.


Well anyway, when I met her last night she didn't really talk to me much, but then she didn't really talk to anyone (we were with a group of friends). She complimented me on my appearance so I'm thinking she might be physically attracted to me maybe?


I'm seeing her again at a party tonight, so I was wondering what I should do; flirt back, ignore or just leap on her hehehe.

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Considering how little you know about her, the consequences of any of those actions are, well, unexpected!


What could you do best that show the girl what you want to show her...hopefully, something that is truly 'you'?


Myself, in that situation...


*casts vote for 'discuss old GF briefly, then consider having a lunch date'*

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hey! just came back from the party i was at with her. Still unsure of her opinion of me, I didn't really make any kind of move, I probably should have hehe. She seemed v. shy so i didn't really speak to her much.


Thanks for the advice anyway, at least I'll know for next time!

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