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A girl im crushing on, dont know how to talk


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Theres a girl in my art class who is perfect in my eyes, but i dont know her yet lol. In fact i kind of let the opportuniy to talk to her pass me by, i was in a funky mood and we were sitting next to each. If u looked around in nclass u would see people chit chatting iwth one another, but i am shy and quiet at times, especaillly around a girl i like, so i didnt say a word. Just sad there with this anxiety "do i say something", "this feels awkward". and i did not say a word. Since then we have started a project and i wont be seated near her for a few weeks.

Did i blow it, or would a girl not take offense to this, or am i thinking im way too special to think she is offened or even thinking about it, or me. I guess it was this opportunity then this loss of what that kinda of sucked. I need to run into her, outside of work time.

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