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I want my boyfriend back!

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Recently my boyfriend broke up with me, after a 7 month relationship. This relationship was really important for me, Infact i introduced him to my family and we introduced his and my family to each other. It was great till it lasted. He used to tell me that he feels great about this relationship and that he can see us together in the future and that he adores me. Suddenly, he started to quiet down. this all happened in a week or so! i can't believe he changed drastically in one week and i'm desperate. I really really love him and i want him back. I wait for his call or sms but nothing! what shall i do? help me pls!

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I think you should leave him alone for a bit. Don't call him. He is probably feeling a little pressured and scared about getting so serious. If you call him he will feel that you are pushing him and you don't want to do that. It will only push him away.

When he calls you is the time to ask what happened, but be gentle.

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Hello Sweetie,


What can I tell ya?


I STRONGELY STRONGELY advise against calling him.

I've been through this scenario and it is a big mistake. You are not coming from a position of strength right now.


Arrgghh, I know the silence is killing you. I know this is the toughest thing to ask. I know you want to snatch that phone up right now and find out whether it is on or off. You want answers. Who wouldn't. How the heck can you get on with your life with this hanging in the balance.


But this is exactly what you need to do. Get on with your life. If you love him, get on with your life. If you love you Get on with your life. He will come back, sweetie, I promise you.


Right know the people you need to be speaking to are your closest friends.

They need to be looking after their buddy right now, along with enotalone.


And as for him. He needs space to clear his mind. Right now he is confused and going through the tedious internal debate of deciding whether he wants to be in a relationship, as all men do. It means nothing, says nothing about his feelings for you, and is no reflection on you. This is a natural occurrence Because, believe me, he will come back in his own time. At the very least for closure. Eventually he will miss you. In any case if he was singing your praises a week ago, I doubt he's recovered in quite such a short time.


I repeat. DO NOT CALL!


You are quite naturally feeling insecure about the situation. (Who wouldn't?) And this is not a good time to speak rationally.


I read some-where that there is a point in all relationships where the woman questions where it is going and the man questions whether he wants to be in one.


Fine, he wants space, give it to him. You love him, but you are able to get on with your life. You have a life. You will survive. And your strategy will pay dividends in the end. If not with this person, then with another. Tough break, I know, girl.


But now is the time to really test your mettle. You will see this period through.





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I suggest you listen to heartshock and muneca. And read through some of the other posts here on the site. So many of us go through the initial breakup time begging and pleading for the ex to come back. And, for most of the people on here it doesn't work.


He will call you back. You're not just someone that he's known for a month and now he's trying to avoid. You're someone he introduced to his family, and whose family met your family. I think this is the same whether man or woman, but as a guy, asking you to meet his family is a REALLY big deal. You are a very significant person in his life, and he's not going to just walk away and never talk to you again.


And believe me. You want him to come back to you of his own accord. Like heartshock said, your actions don't in any way show you don't love him. They show that you love him very much. And most importantly they show you're a person that he has every reason to love, because you're strong and patient.

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First of all i would like to thank you for your support, believe me you really filled my heart with courage! I'm counting on what you told me and i REALLY REALLY hope that this will work, someday! Pray for me please and thanks a million! you are great friends!

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