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shy girl no experience

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Hey guyz...I have a question...umm I am the most shy person, but only with guys really. I really like this guy and he is way more "experienced" than I am. I have only ever kissed two guys. Anyway, I know this guy likes me and I get so shy when I am around him. Also, I have braces and I'm afraid I'll make a fool out of myself if I kiss him and cut his lip or something lol.....does anyone have any advice for me or any tips on anything?!?

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Dont worry bout your braces he obviously knows uve got them and he shouldnt care anyway!!! u'l have lovely teeth when you eventually get them taken off. if u feel shy, get to know him better as a friend first. so you will feel comfortable when it comes to your kiss! ive kissed a girl with braces when i was in school! she was a good kisser and my lip only bled for a few hours!!! LOL only joking it was fine! dont worry bout it! go for it and be more confident he will like that! take care

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Don't let yourself be put off that he has this suppose "way more experience".


I, like many others, prefer the shy quieter girls.


Is it possible to cut someone with braces? . I wouldn't worry about it, im sure u will be fine.

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Help the guy out.


Try to face him as much as possible and "leaning forward for the kiss". Try to touch him to let him know you're comfortable with him. Try accidentally touching him if you're not that bold. Subtlely flirt with him without being obvious. Eye contact and a smile is important.


I always look for these signals. It makes it very easy for me to decide when she's ready for a kiss.


BTW, dont' worry about the braces. I'm sure he'll be careful.

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