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Started NC....it worked..only to Break NC. What to do???:(


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I'm gonna keep this short as I possiably can....


Started dating my ex in march. Had a pretty good relationship up until the 3 month mark of our relationship. He ended it with me almost a month ago. He claims he was tired of co-workers in our business (we work together) and we argued too much. I started NC the day after he officially broke up with me. I deleted his number in my phone and I removed him as a friend on facebook. When he realized I removed him from FB he sent me a really mean text saying he "isn't gonna loose any sleep" over me removing him and he'll forget I totally "act like I don't exist" and while I was in the mood for deleting why don't I "remove" his friends too. I didn't respond but I cried all night over the text because deep down inside I didn't want him to totally leave me alone.


From that point on I continued to ignore him at work. I started to hear from mutual friends of ours that he would comment on how I was dressing (saying nice things) and how he wished people were never in our business at work. Fast forward to a week later I get a text from him asking me if I would like to go to a baseball game with him and can he come over to talk. I accepted his invitation to the game and that night he came over to talk. We never really touch on our relationship... he just asked how my family felt about us breaking up and how he is moving out to an apartment and he is not dating anyone else and doesn't want to because he needs to be all by himself at this time. I said little to nothing. We went to the game the next night and had a great time. It almost seemed as if nothing never happened between us. He took me to my car after the game and asked if he could come over I told him that it wouldn't be a good idea being that it was so late.I thought after our outing he would start contacting me again...but every since then he has not contacted me. We see each other at work but we don't say nothing to each other. I even tried to be the bigger person and say "good morning" to him sometimes. Sometimes I catch him staring at me or he'll look at me out the corner of his eye. I heard through the grapevine he moved out to his apartment. I thought he would at least tell me that.


I miss him and I want him back in my life. I love him and I know he still loves me. I just wonder if he regrets. I know NC is supposed to work to heal self and it was working but since that night I feel i'm back at square one. Its really hard to fully do NC when I see him everyday at work. My friends and mother thinks I need to call him or text him...but I just can't bring myself to do that because it'll only make me feel worse.


My question is...LC or NC???? I'm confused

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You might not like anything I have to say, but I promise it's only meant to help.


I know he still loves me


First of all, I think you need to consider how true that statement is. From what you've said, this guy hasn't done anything to indicate that he loves you. He dumped you after three months and gave you some pretty lame reasons for why he did it. If the reasons are true, then you deserve someone who is willing to fight for your relationship and not dump you because a few other people were "in your business".


If he loved you and wanted to get back together, you would KNOW it by now. Anything short of "I love you and want to be with you--please, let's work things out" is not enough. Basically, if he wanted to be with you, he would be with you.

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how did NC work? have you healed? it sounds like youre in the process but have not been close to fully healed yet, you are still hung up on this guy. Remember that when you go no contact you need to do it with the intention of getting over this person, and whether they come back or not should not be your central thoughts.


unfortunately i agree with twistoffate..it sucks, but continue to go no contact so you can heal.

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