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does anyone get boils???


they are bumps that grow to be prety big.....and pus collects inside b/c of infection..they last about 10-25 daysd and they are red and also hurt...


how have you treated it if you have?

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unfortuantely, i have also had the experience of boils, thou, not huge big ones, bout small medium, apparently i get it from mi dad, he used to get them really bad, mi bro too, thou not as bad, luckily its only a hormonal thing and not very often.

I just try to ignore them, however painfl they are, cos theres not much u can do bout them without making it even worse, then when they have white heads, theres ur indicator that they can be picked, or treated, for mi puttin stuff on them beofre just doesnt do nething thou u cud try.

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I only had one in my life, and it was a baddie.


I travel to the Dom Rep. often and well the pollution is pretty bad, trucks, black smoke and all.


So when i get back to the US, I like to get on a cleansing program, I went on a 3 day fast and drank a lot of detox tea, well it worked, but too well.


At first I thought it was a pimple, but kept growing and growing, it was near my eye, and it was swelling so big that my eye was shutting closed. I should have gone to a dermatologist but I sterilized a needle and poked it. I do not recommend that! I have a small scar there now.


There are creams and stuff you can use on them, given that this thing was so close to me eye, I couldn't use them.

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Here's the treatment for boils:


  • Apply warm moist heat several times a day and let it come to a head.
  • Ideally let the boil burst on its own. Otherwise sterilize a needle and poke a small hole in the boil. Do NOT squeeze it or you'll push the infection deep into the skin.
  • The pus is highly infectious so do not touch it or you'll spread the infection to other areas. Keep the area clean and let the boil drain.
  • Cover with a gauze bandage and keep changing the dressing.


If the boil doesn't heal, or if you have a boil anywhere on your face or neck see your doctor so they can lance and drain it. Boils on the head are dangerous as there is a risk the infection could spread to the brain.

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i just realised that the boils i was talking bout were acne boils, not as serious, thou the others seem to be talkin bout real proper boils, which i guess can be both treated same, thou the acne ones dont seem as much of a problem, i think, hmmm im propably not helpin here am i.

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Thanks for your advice !


They are so weird. I never knew how infected those can be...I think one spread b/c another grew in the same area. But a couple nights ago, i saw a head develop and i tried popping it so that the pus would come out and some of it did...but it didn't really help.


Though I found this Chinese Cream i have at home....I found it luckily and i use it for tons of things. I put it on, and it worked like magic, it pretty much drained itself and the whole thing shrunk and its almost gone now.


Well for anyone who is curious it's called Mo Pi Ko. It's a chinese cream..not sure wehre you can find it...i'll have to find out.


BUT THANK YOu..i think i'm cured!!

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