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My ex looked at my pretty face and said no.

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My break up ended amicably but it's tough. However, after a few weeks looking back this is what I translated he said:


"I will not give you 100%. I will not commit fully. I am going end things and make you hurt for weeks or months on end. I may potentially call/txt/e-mail you later because I'm lonely or confused but will hurt you first before properly thinking through the ramifications of my actions. I do not or cannot appreciate what's in front of me. You are not worth fighting for."


My ex had a lot of good qualities that I will look for in another person. I have days I still cry about him. However, anytime I think I can't move forward, or want to check in, or fantasize about him coming back, I think about that. I think about how I always gave it 100%, I always committed, I always let him know how much I appreciate him, I would never end a relationship without thinking of the long term effects for me and the other person, and I fought for our relationship until the end and that wasn't good enough for him. But it will be good enough for someone else and they will in turn do the same.


Just trying to stay positive!

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Great post I feel I was 100 % committed but somehwhere along the line he gave up and was either cheating or thinking to cheat andf had had enough of me..


I knew I had put in the work and had done so much for us.. and in the end it meant little.. he walked away without a second thought.

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