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A Freakin Rant!!

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Ok, the fact of the matter is, I'm lonely. I live in a small town so I can't go to a club or anything. I just want someone to love. Right now at this point (19, permanently single, permanent loser ) I will date anyone. I could care less if we break up in 2 weeks. Everyone says breakups are hard, but I wouldn't know. Maybe I'd actually WANT to breakup with the person so I would stop complaining. Then I can guarantee that I will be a happy person. Another problem is my color (I think, anyway). I'm black, and like white women. I'm also ugly too, so what are my chances. None, exactly. It's only one month until college (probably, I don't even know if I can get in because of all the money required), but I can't take it any longer. I used to just walk up to people in the grocery store and flat out ask them to date me, but I read that it's NOT the way to go, so I stopped. And now, there is absofreakinlutely NOwhere to meet women. At least most of the people here have friends to talk to. And, by the way, I don't have a job. I surf the Net almost everyday in the public library, and that's about it. My life's dull. I'm addicted to porn. What is my purpose. Nothing, that's what.

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well..it may be hard right now, but you need to try to be patient...things will go your way eventually. it doesn't do any good to get all mad that they aren't right now because that's only going to kill your good positive attitude when someone does come along...try to be thankful of the things that you have rather than focus on what you don't and things will slowly roll into place. i'm sure you're a good person

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Alright, I'll respond to segments at a time. I can feel what you are going through, trust me. I've been there.


Ok, the fact of the matter is, I'm lonely. I live in a small town so I can't go to a club or anything.


I went to a club one time and it was not all that great. Sure, it was kind of fun, but I realized after going there that I'm not really a club person anyway. Most of the girls (not saying all girls) there are probably not there to find someone to be in a relationship with. They are there to just have fun and mess around. Would you want to be with a girl like that? People have their own preferences, but I'm just trying to say that you're probably not missing much there anyway.


I just want someone to love. Right now at this point (19, permanently single, permanent loser ) I will date anyone. I could care less if we break up in 2 weeks. Everyone says breakups are hard, but I wouldn't know. Maybe I'd actually WANT to breakup with the person so I would stop complaining. Then I can guarantee that I will be a happy person.


Gosh you sound like me, LOL. I try to tell people that have already been in relationships that but they don't seem to understand. I'm glad someone else here understands. Anyway, nothing here is permanent! You still have many years to find the right girl for you. It is a fact that you do not know whether you will get a girlfriend or not, so don't say that.


I'm black, and like white women. I'm also ugly too, so what are my chances.


There is still a possibility that a girl out there will like you for you and not your looks. You say you're ugly because you think you are. I'm sure you're not as "ugly" as you claim to be. Besides, what defines "ugly" anyway? There is no definition of "ugly" that will apply to all people.


I used to just walk up to people in the grocery store and flat out ask them to date me, but I read that it's NOT the way to go, so I stopped. And now, there is absofreakinlutely NOwhere to meet women.


Well, you can still meet people at the grocery store or any other place. But don't just flat out ask them out. Why not just have a small conversation with them and then maybe get their phone number? Besides, you want to get to know a girl better before being in a relationship or something. What are all of the places in your town? I'm sure there are still many places to meet people.


And, by the way, I don't have a job. I surf the Net almost everyday in the public library, and that's about it. My life's dull. I'm addicted to porn. What is my purpose. Nothing, that's what.


Have you tried looking around your town for possible jobs? Maybe your parents or other people you know can try to help you find something. Your life is dull only because you believe it is. Why not believe that you can change that part of yourself? I used to think just like you. I promise you that. And eventually I have changed a bit. I now view life as a great opportunity that God has given us and that we should cherish the moment. I have also accepted that we cannot get everything that we want in life. So if I never end up finding a girl to be with, then there is still many other things in life to enjoy. It's hard, I know, but it can be done. The porn is not going to help you change. It's your choice if you want to get rid of it.


I hope I helped a bit.

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dude i am the same way..small town..and i have plenty of friends taht are women but everything ends up messing up....you just have to put it all behind you..i havent had a gf in 3 years or so...never been kissed...all my other friends think kissings no big deal..but i would give ANYTHING just to share a loving relationship with a women and have astrong relationship....my only advice is that you cant change your life, live with your mistakes and learn to forget and be a nicer happier you.

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like myplague said I would also love to have a kiss or a girlfriend. i may be still young but i know a bunch of other kids that have already had a girlfriend or something and sometimes i just feel like im the biggest loser ever. I know im not that great looking or anything but i can still agree with myself taht i dont have that bad of a personality (with a few flaws) and sometimes i just get really mad at the girls that care about looks and looks only. Ive never had a girlfriend, and by the looks of it i think that i never will. I also live in a small town...and most of the friends i have are guys with the exception of a few good friends that are girls that i would never imagine going out with. i just get pissed off at myself for being the way that i am and i always wish that i could change myself...

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Another problem is my color (I think, anyway). I'm black, and like white women.


LoneVirgin, don't give up hope. I have a black friend who has been married to a white woman for, like, forever. They're really happy together. He's not the greatest looking, but he's developed a good personality. By the way, they met in college, so don't give up on the college thing either. Look for scholarships and stuff. Good luck!

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