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Stood me up and now she keeps sending me emails.

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To cut a long story short. I met this girl through a friend of mine, she is really nice, pretty etc. We made plans to go out for a drink together but she stood me up saying the next day that she was getting back with her old b/f etc. Now (even though I dont know her very well) she keeps sending me emails, but nothing of the hi, how are you nature. The emails are more like pictures of waterfalls and animals, prayers, some funny stuff. I have not replied to even one of her emails yet, I honestly dont really know what to think. The point is the stuff that she sends me is not very personal, its more like stuff that someone has sent to her that she is forwarding to me. It does not bother me I just want to know why? Does she feel guilty about standing me up, does she want to make friends? Why does she keep sending me these emails?



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I wouldn't dwell on it too much. She put your email on a mailing list? Hey, she stood you up. Until she steps up and makes it known to you that she's interested start looking elsewhere. Don't sweat this girl.


She probably put you on her email mailing list because that's just what some ppl do. Don't look much more into it than that unless she gives you reason to and even then don't look much into it. I'm not one much for trying to interpret every little thing because whenever I try to do that, I end up WAY off base.


So, I'm more of one who you really have to clobber me over the head to have me see something.


Good Luck!



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