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I dont sleep much, and one thing that got me thinking one day is dreams.


I havent dreamed for 5 years simply because i never actually get to a state of REM. Something i have noticed with that is that i found myself more suceptable to hallucinations induced by say heat or alcohol or drugs ect ect ect.


So i came up with this, Throughout your day your brain has billions upon billions of electrical releases between Neural synapsis. (thats probablly spelt wrong but... eh). Is it possible that there are residual charges left over, when you shut down all the Main charges and enter REM you are purely left to your residual charges?


Now taking the whole thing to the next step, If the electrical release in your brain is indeed electrical it will have a related magnetic feild and frequency. I may be a bit ahead of myself here but if someone else has a similar resonant synapsis in their brain will it not trigger a charge release? i mean If Hertz can do it back in his day surly with 6 billion people 24 hours a day 7 days a week somethings gotta happen.


Where im going with this is that, perhaps that its this resonance that attracts us to certain people. You see a girl accross the room and sparks fly, it must be chemistry? well maybe it is. Love to hear anyone elses thoughts on my mindless mental dump of insomnia.

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First of all, i have absolutely no idea how to answer your post! It could be exactly what you have said that instictively attracts two people to each other.


I just have one big query: if your brain does have an electrical field then how big would it be and would it actually be stong enough to travel out of your head and permeate another person?



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I havent dreamed for 5 years simply because i never actually get to a state of REM.
Right there i stopped reading since never reaching a state of REM is physically impossible, and if achieved for a long period of time will cause you to be clinically insane.
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Ok so perhaps my accuracy may be a little vauge.


No i cant prove that i never reach REM, no i dont actually believe that i havent dreamed for the last 5 years. Yes i did hyperbolise... more than just a little bit but i dont sleep much which is why i started questioning it. But if the Focus is just on my personal opinion then your missing the point of my little.... vent of thoughts.


The point was that there may be a chemical reason that we are attracted to eachother. I wasnt looking for an attack on my, Unique sense of humor, I was kinda looking for an intellegent disscussion on the science behind relationships. which in all honesty i dont think that there is. Im just exploring different possibilities. "exaggeration is the last resort of a limited imagination" ok so maybe i dont have a creative mind yeah its no where near as fun and it gets me into these sorts of problems but try and look beyond the subjectiveness of my post and then tell me what you think.


abcd1234 - Its my understanding that electric and magnetic feilds permeate all matter, Yeah im pretty unsure about it being strong enough to make more than a meter probablly more likley to be of such nanoscopic proportions that it would be negligable. However, lets say that it was... wouldnt being closer to the person strengthen the signal? Resonance is a strange thing to me and im slowly understanding more about it. Out of curiosity what was your thoughts on the dream side of things?


Constructive critisism is what im looking for not mindless "Right there i stoped since..." Im not making an attack Gogoloko Im just trying to find people who are more Open minded about things. Ok so If never reaching a state of REM is physically impossible then (and this is just because i have a very limited understanding of sleep itself, not cause i dont think i do sleep but because i havent read up on it yet.) do you enter REM when you sleep with your eyes open surely your eye muscle would be under more stress than if you didnt enter REM? Is the necessity for sleep to relax the muscles and allow recovery or is there another reason? One more question Why would you go clinically insane if you didnt sleep for extended periods of time? I suppose the question is why do you sleep?

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Ok, my view on the dream side of things:


From my understanding, when you sleep you have unavoidable bouts of rapid eye movement (rem), it is during this time when dreaming occurs. From this things i would say that you are probably just not able to remember your dreams the next morning as rem is, from what i have been told, an instinctive thing which happens naturally whilst sleeping.


In response to your question "why do you sleep?":


Sleep is needed for the correct function or our bodies and minds, apparently the amount of light is the factor which makes us want to sleep, as it allows our bodies to know when we should be sleeping.


I hope this helps!


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